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Refurb issues.... What to do.

  Fiesta ST-3
I bought a set of 4 wheels to be refurbed. On closer inspection one has a dink on the inner rim. Pics below. Is it a big enough dink to be concerned over or should i get it refurbed with the rest of them?

I'm just a bit dubious. I don't want any air escaping or wheel balance issues. I could always take one of the wheels off my car and swap it for the dodgy one just for the refurb.




That's fixable. but if you have a better one to have done there's no point not doing it
  2007 clio dynamique
i had a wheel exactly the same as this i just gave it a bash with a big hammer lol it actually failed an mot with this minor damage believe it or not


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
I'd get that one repaired, but use one of your current wheels for your car.
  Fiesta ST-3
So I swapped it with one of the wheels on the car just during the refurb. Glad I did as I have wheel wobble something terrible.
