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Removing inlet manifold

  BMW 320d Sport

Ive got an idea how to do it but not actually got the spanners out, but Id appreciate it if someone who has *done* the job could tell me if theres anything to watch out for. I cant really tell if the alternator will need to be disturbed or not. It looks like its basically taking the bonnet cross member off, removing the rad, then getting a long socket in to take off the manifold. Ive just got a horrible feeling that being a Renault, Ill find that the whole alternator has to be removed just to get to one bolt head on the manifold!

I think you may well be right Nick, I seem to remember having to remove the alternator and braket to gain access to the water pump and the braket bolts go right through the manifold.:mad: Bummer!

easiest way is to get a haynes manual that covers your engine family.. once the dissasembly methodology is known, the application in your engine bay is straightforward.

Have fun,


The Haynes manual for the valver is not accurate!!!! I discovered this when I went to change the water pump, lol.
  172 & LCR

From my experience with valvers i.e head gasket on my M8s a few months ago and a willy transplant in my old one a couple of years ago which I stripped and reground valves etc you are taking on a hell of a task trying to get the manifold off with the engine in the car I reckon alternator and power steering pump and various other brackets that hold these and support the manifold will have to come off, if you do attempt it Nick well call the first chapter first blood as it wont be long before you graze them knuckles M8 hope this helps.
  BMW 320d Sport

lol yeah First Blood I got a feeling youre right Trev! Thanks for the advice anyway everyone - I better plan what Im gonna do next then...
