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Removing named driver from insurance


Basically what I was wanting to know is if you put someone on your insurance as a named drive and have to pay about £300 to add them (me going on my dads insurance) but then say after about a month you want to then remove them from the insurance do you get the money for the remaining months back?

The reason I am asking is that I have just passed my driving test about 10 days ago but havent got a car yet, and my dad was thinking of adding me to his insurance but I dont want to do this because I am hoping to get myself a car sometime soon and dont want to waste all that money being added to my dads insurance.
  Cup 172

if you have just passed your test it will be much chaeper to insure a clio under your dad for the first year its quite difficult to add and remove people (what i have found anyway)

I wasnt talking about being added to the insurance for a clio - I was talking about being added to my the insurance for my dads car (which is a honda accord.) Does anyone know about what the procedure is if you add someone and then remove them in terms of a rebate?

Or does anyone know if it is possible to just add someone to the insurance for about 2 or 3 months?

I think you can. Tesco used to allow you to be insured on a car daily (and I think weekly weekendly and fortnightly) as that how my brother was insured. But there is a limit to 20 occasions it can be done. They never mentioned it to my dad so he got offered unlimted days when he complained they never mentioned it they had to mess round though ever time he wanted adding.

Ill ask him tomorrow who else allowed you to be insured like this if you want as he went round looking for comapnies who allowed you to insure like this.

yeah some companies can add for a limited time. Best thing 2 do is ring ur dads insurance and ask them about it before u do it

Hes ringing them tonight to find out so hopefully I will b added for a couple of months if they will let him do that.
