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Removing the bumper plastic strips!


ClioSport Club Member
  255, 230, 172, R26
Ok, So I've tried but can't get them off! I want to remove both front & back bumper plastics. Help please!

ta :D
The clips that gold them on are pretty sturdy, Think i had my bumper off whilst i did mine. Makes the whole job easier-ish..

Didnt do the back, Settled for a sport rear.

The Boosh!

ClioSport Admin
  Elise, Duster
Just give it a bit of force... Be reet. flat head screwdriver wrapped in sellotape works (I think :eek:)


ClioSport Club Member
  255, 230, 172, R26
gawd! sound horrible! Im unsure wether to spray them though, thinking of making it a 172 rep ... ?

Also, how do the door handles come off please!?

ta boys :)

The Boosh!

ClioSport Admin
  Elise, Duster
Door card off jobbie dawn... I'll tell you what. While you are detailing my car i will strip down your clio lol
Yeah get your muscles going haha... screwdriver in front insert gap, (wrap the screwdriver) and prise gently, I think i did it with the bumper on but i cant be sure... Once you have the first clips undone with force you can use your fingers to pop out the rest... It explains itself.

As said for handles, Door cards off, Easy enough job... This also explains itself after the door card is off.


ClioSport Club Member
  255, 230, 172, R26
ok, cheers boys. I need to decide what im gunna do, 172 rep or just black n yella 1.2! oh, i dunno :(


ClioSport Club Member
  255, 230, 172, R26
^ That looks spot on mate. I think I'll colour code the rest & fit the cheaper bits at the mo then I can always add the rs body parts at a later date. I suppose its just a case of being in the right place at the right time for a bargain (i never get a bargain :( )

If any one see's a nicely priced 172 body kit or bumpers etc give me a shout please! cheers :)
