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Removing Wax/Protection

Due a bit of a detailing session soon. Around August last year it had a claying, polish, EGP & HD Wax (2 layers). It's held up well (still beading) however there are some swirl marks and scratches that need some TLC.

I have a pressure washer but don't have a snow foam bottle or lance.

Can someone recommend a product that I can apply by hand and leave to soak for a short while to help remove any traces of protection that are still present?

Also I'm going to give a machine polish a try myself and was considering this:

I have 4 Menzerna compounds and the Lake County orange and blue pads from some deep scratches I had a go at removing by hand last last year. I also have some blue detailing tape too.

Providing I keep the pressure/pad even and don't really shove it on to the panels to prevent burning is it a relatively straight forward process?

Thanks in advance,

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Thanks, looks like there's a snow foam lance attachment available for Karcher pressure washers so I'll grab one of these. So recommendations for any 'traditional' snow foam products are welcome.
  Not a 320d
Just clay it.

Polishing will remove LSP anyway. But if youre machine polishing why not clay it anyway? Surely thats a no brainer, dirt transfer on the pads?
Just clay it.

Polishing will remove LSP anyway. But if youre machine polishing why not clay it anyway? Surely thats a no brainer, dirt transfer on the pads?

Eh? Treat me as a newb please.

Would claying on wax/LSP not just end up removing wax & LSP rather than actual paint contaminants?

I was planning on claying after having removed all protection and washed and dried before polishing.
  Not a 320d
I may not have read your post properly sorry.

Claying removes both LSP and bonded contaminates. Your paintwork should be "Bare" so to speak once youre done.

If you were to wash the car, or soak it in G101, it would most likely remove the LSP or certainly after a few applications depending whats on there. It wouldnt remove bonded contaminates though. Which means whatevers left will be transferred to your pads when machine polishing. Ive done it before. Trust me itll save you a lot of time washing pads and re polishing pannels because youve been working a mixture of polish and dirt into the paintwork.

A product you can apply by hand to strip LSP is IPA, isopropanol. I use it in a sprayer. Spray, wipe with MF cloth, Done. Its also good in the machine polishing stage to remove any product after a "hit" to see the level of correction youve achieved.

I try clay my car twice a year. Once during the spring time (Usually around now) with an aggressive clay like Megs Red, which is followed by a machine polish. And once at the end of summer/autumn with Sonus Grey/Green before protecting it for the winter.
Thanks for that :)

So I can save myself the need to soak with a snow foam and just clay straight away? I'll probably use a foam to make sure I get in all the nooks and crannies as I don't want any dirt getting pulled out of panel joins that haven't been able to be got at with clay. Then a good going over with clay before a MP.

One last question. When going through the phases of MP do I need to remove the product I've just applied or can I work through it with the next one? Say for example I use something reasonably rough to initially remove swirls and RDS. Then I want to start finishing it up/polishing with a finer compound. Is it just a case of wiping the panel with a microfibre cloth? and to clean the pads I read to use a soft bristled brush on the face of the pad while it's on the polisher and spinning.


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
A heavy citrus based pre-wash is a good idea mate, also i've been using a small sample of hazafe recently, very good product and breaks down dirt so so well.

Claying doesn't always remove wax, sealants. Depends how much pressure is used and what strength clay you're using.
