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Renault...................= Tw@t's

Went to Renault yesterday as I'd saw'd wee lines/indents into the black plastic part of the gearstick that is the lift up reverse feature, i.e. black plastic part you pull up before moving the gearstick into reverse gear. I got it all scratched and marked while sawing my old gearknob off as it was impossible to saw the knob off without marking it.

went to buy a new 1 and was told that only came as a complete gear lever with the plastic part attached...fair enough, new gear lever cant do any harm. except I go to pick it up today and instead of the plastic part on it being black like the 1 on the gear lever already on my car, this 1 is a mid grey colour obviously meant for a authentique or something that had a grey interior, so I take it back and explain to parts guy, who tells me renault have superceeded all the gear levers with very light grey/dark grey/anthracite and black plastic lift up reverse things to being only the mid grey colour he sold me, hence you cant buy 1 with the black plastic for a expression/dynamique/billabong/extreme/172 etc. the only gear lever they now do comes with a mid grey plastic lift up reverse thats it take it or leave it, and its so grey it doesnt even begin to go with the colour of the rest of the interior, looks so crap.

was just wondering if anyone else knew if he was talking rubbish or not about there no longer being a black 1 available to buy from renault.


ClioSport Club Member
probably bullshit mate, go to another dealer and ask them.

did you end up buying it?
I work for them, and tbf he did go and check for me, and the part numbers on my original and the new part are both the same both have identical numbers etc. in same places on them, just 1 has a black plastic lift up bit on the lever, the other grey.

I've also just noticed though that NO mk2 ph2 Clio EVER came with a grey centre console/gear knob/gear gaiter/lift up reverse so what a stupid idea it was to stop making the black item and superceed it with a grey item. if this guy is to be believed, but its still a stupid idea manufacturining a grey part if no clio ph2 mk2 ever came std with the same part in grey.
  Blown up 182 & Mondeo TDI
I work for them, and tbf he did go and check for me, and the part numbers on my original and the new part are both the same both have identical numbers etc. in same places on them, just 1 has a black plastic lift up bit on the lever, the other grey.

I've also just noticed though that NO mk2 ph2 Clio EVER came with a grey centre console/gear knob/gear gaiter/lift up reverse so what a stupid idea it was to stop making the black item and superceed it with a grey item. if this guy is to be believed, but its still a stupid idea manufacturining a grey part if no clio ph2 mk2 ever came std with the same part in grey.

I take it that means they dont do the Beige one either then? My mum needs one for her Clio


ClioSport Club Member
i think he may be right i fitted one the other day and it was grey, are you sure he put in the right interior colour code
Cola Addict - apparently not he said grey is the only colour they now do.

Lemon Nobby - as above, he said it didnt matter my interior trim code the only plastic part you can now buy still comes as part of the lever as it always did but you can now only buy one with the grey plastic as regardless of your interior colour/colour of original 1 this is the only colour they now make it in.

I will get pics.
Notice how the part I have circled in red is the plastic lift up reverse part I've been referring to, notice how its a completely different colour to the gearknob/gaiter/rest of interior etc. and Renault parts dept say the mismatched completely different grey colour is the ONLY colour it now comes in:

