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Replacement for kit Lens

  Ultra Red Megane 175
Looking for something to replace the 18-55mm kit lens that came with my 350D. I've got a 70-200 F4L so want something decent to cover <70mm and improve on the following type of shot:


Got around £150 - £200 to play with.

Another kit lens?

What are you missing with the shot above?

Maybe I chose the wrong pic, in anything other than perfect light (as I had above); the kit lens may aswell go in the bin!

In that case, I'd personally save for the Tamron 17-50 f/2.8 or Sigma 18-50 f/2.8

You'll be able to get 3x more light over the kit lens at the long end.. they will also be a little sharper and imagine the AF abilities to be a little better and build.

There is also the 17-70 but that's f/4.5 on the long end..
