no disrespect to your sprayer Fred but ive seen ALOT of 'show winning' cars that are herendous..
this goes out to everyone..
the people who FUCKED my car up, had MANY max power/redline/revs feature cars.. they look fine in photos.. get up close to them and they have spoilers stuck on with black mastik all the way round it, cracks in the paintwork, orange peal all over, gaps all over the place, runs, patches of missing paint/laquer etc.. although i see myself as a perfectionist and i tend to notice all these things..
in my eyes its quality not quantatiy but alot of the other people in the car world just want big wheels big arches and big spoilers, whether it looks s**t or not doesnt matter..
you've obviously got a bloke that you can trust so only use him..
my local's (immingham spraybay) are REALLY good. do hondas race bikes, do bikes sent from america, ireland etc, do all the Seats that come in through the local dock that get damaged, etc but theyre quite expensive and can sometimes take their time.. i just wish i went there in the first place instead of being attracted by a cheap quote from someone else who could do the car in 5 days.... oh and the main reason i went with the other s**t bodyshop was because many people had said they were so good.. yet all their cars upclose that i later saw were laughable.
my advice to anyone.. make sure you see ALOT of examples of a bodyshops work before you hand your car over.. oh and pay by cheque instead of cash.. least you can make it bounce if the work is s**t.. lol for pics of my old car..