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Rispspeed Flip out DVD

  BMW M135i
Looks very similar to the pioneer units, have seen them instore but i've never really looked at them.
Probably best to go and have a play and see what you think.
had a look just to see what they are like, not the best looking for the price cant complain, but does stick out a bit more than the other units, also does no have a security panel or anything like that....
  1.8 Civic EX
jonnyjogpants said:
i ask the guy in halfrauds and thats what he said had no security panel

Most of the peeps I've ever spoken to don't even know what thier name is mate.....:clown: but you never know, he might have been a clever one and might be right...

I'm not normally one for "labels" but i must say when it comes to Ripspeed I avoid like the plague.....
Rhino16v said:
I'm not normally one for "labels" but i must say when it comes to Ripspeed I avoid like the plague.....

I feel the same way, but if it is really the old pioneer stuff rebadged then its surely not an issue and its a great way to save money and know your not getting something pants quality.
yeh thought i would get the old pencil eraser out for the ripspeed badge... But hey.. the car still has 2.0 16v badges on... so might as well as get a pioneer sticker for it ;)
  SLK 350
Non-removable security, i hope you have dark tints on the front, or a low insurance excess. Asking for trouble i reckon lad.
ozzyo99 said:
Non-removable security, i hope you have dark tints on the front, or a low insurance excess. Asking for trouble i reckon lad.
Dark tints Yes :)
Think i may invest in an alarm.
Going to see if i can have a play with one and see how much it sticks out of the dash.... comes with a lil remote too. and probs get one.. although all the frauds in yorkshire have currently sold out but are apparently getting them back in tueday.
We've fitted several of these in the last week, and both of them were utter toss !! Build quality s**t, ergonomics - s**t, overall performance - not good... But hey, what do you expect for 400 notes !!
  Megane DCi 147bhp/350nwm
basically everything halfords sell as there own are made by someone else, like the halfords bulbs are actually made by champion same with oil filters etc..

the ripspeed audio stuff is mainly done by kenwood, check the inputs on the back of the stereo, it uses a kenwood iso block!
  Clio 172 Cup
There made by centurion and they DO NOT have a removable pannel. By the way if we have to fit it we have to wire it to your handbrake by law, so the DVD will only come on when you park up (apply the handbrake)

  Megane DCi 147bhp/350nwm
trust?you get a years guarentee anyway and still after that year you can take it back and get it sent off for repair!
  A well built VW
snick01 said:
personally i think the ripspeed one looks better than the above 2 but its weather you really trust rip speed.

The ripspeed and the pioneer are very similar ffs I know which one i'd go for
