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Road angel 2 software version

My first one was different to my second.

Ill get my version later.. cant be bothered to go to car at the moment, heh. Watching WRC!

Yea, the software was different.

Had a few extra options than my first.. a whole new menu too, cant remember what it was tho.
  RB 182

Quote: Originally posted by Daz on 11 April 2005

Had a few extra options than my first.. a whole new menu too, cant remember what it was tho.
Cant have been that good if you didnt remember it.

Wasnt a great option, but it wasnt there on my first!

Let me go grab my Road Angel and have a look, Ill remember if I flicked through it.

The new menu was "Modem".

My software version is: 2.09

1.2.1 sounds like a menu to me.. go into Unit Data and its under firmware!

This software felt a lot better than the original, but then, it was one of the first - this was a replacement when my screen packed up.
  Ford Fiesta

Daz my firmware version by going into unit data firmware is 1.21.

how do i upgrade it?
  106 GTi

Just looking around on there site no info about firmware updates, worth an email to technical support?

if anyone does manage to update the firmware let us know, im sure they can do something as they said they can email updates to remove the laser etc, so must be possible
  Ford Fiesta

ive emailed them now, to see if i can have a patch sent to get the latest firmware.

Want to keep the laser option though.

Was adding a few sites today from Bradofrd rd, Batley. It already had this camera on even though they were fitting it as I drove past!.

A couple of others it missed so I added them. Still awaiting a rpely from them to see if they have their own sources for camera/blackspot info aswell as what users add.

some of them it was only warning me if they were on my side of the road, even though the lines were on both sides of the road.
  Ford Fiesta

Quote: Originally posted by 182_blue on 12 April 2005

if anyone does manage to update the firmware let us know, im sure they can do something as they said they can email updates to remove the laser etc, so must be possible

reply regarding camera sites etc, as someon on here said it was only users adding sites that they got their info from,

"We obtain our camera information from the local authorities and Highway
agencies. We generally are aware of new camera installations before
they are installed. In addition we have several members of our team on
the road logging camera locations country wide.

The information you store in your Road Angel will be collected by our
server the next time you carry out an update. This information will
then be checked by our Camera team and by a member of the team on the
road to confirm it is an actual camera, you would be surprised how many
people log their favourite McDonalds or Pizza Hut on their Road Angels!
Once we have confirmed the location site is a speed camera we add it to
the database if it is not included already, and then other road users
will receive the information the next time they update.

Dealer Sales"

also Shaun,

the upgrade to the firmware can be downloaded:

If you want to upgrade the software you can download the software from
the link below.

However, the only feature that is different is the upgrade allows the
Road Angel to be used with the stand alone modem, there is no other


Technical Support

  Ford Fiesta

mines updating now, might as well have it on latest version.

just unzipped the file to desktop, plugged in the road angel and double clicked the file.

lets hope it works....

[Edited by Liam182 on 12 April 2005 at 6:45pm]

all done. Got little numbers for the menu and as expected the modem menu too. Take it its for those without pcs, so they can use a blackspot modem to update it.

It failed to update the first time I tried, so unplugged the usb cable and tried again luckily it worked. It does give a warning that unplugging while its updating may kill the unit!

One thing Ive noticed just now comparing the two verisons within a few mins is that the menu system is so much quicker now. On the 1.21 software there was a 1/4 second delay after pressing a button now its almost instant:D.

Its worth going through your menus afterwards as it adjusts some of them.
  Ford Fiesta

definately seems to be working faster now, especially through the menus. Maybe it would repsond slightly quiker to alerts? who knows....

worth doing imo.
  106 GTi

Liam, see what you mean about the menus resetting!

Have you noticed the noise it makes on start up seems quieter than before?
  106 GTi

Quote: Originally posted by Daz on 17 April 2005
Yea, it was way too loud before.

Agreed! Pasengers used to think WTF everytime I turned the ignition on before!
  Golf Mk6 Oil Burner

where has everyone got it mounted?

centre of dash, right hand side of dash or on the window on the right hand side?
  106 GTi

Centre of dash, just above the UV cut out in the screen so the laser sensor will clear the wipers. 5m antenna Zip tired to the bit next to the parcel shelf on the drivers side.
  Golf Mk6 Oil Burner

^^ exactly where mine is. seems pretty secure there. + only place where you might actually benefit from the rear laser detector.

do you think the wipers would be a problem for the front laser detector? mine seem to sit exactly where yours are.
  Golf Mk6 Oil Burner

do you think you could use a laser pen to set them off? just thinking of giving them a little test.
  106 GTi

Worth testing as Road Angel say....

We highly recommend that ROAD ANGEL is positioned in the centre
of the front windscreen low down, just above the dashboard. Making
sure that the windscreen wipers do not obstruct the view. Tests with
enforcement teams have shown that this is the most effective place to
mount a single detector. Above 200m this has proved to warn every
time the vehicle was targeted (tested with a standard saloon car).
If the Laser Gun is targeting your number plate at less than 200m it is
likely that a dashboard mounted ROAD ANGEL WILL NOT detect the
signal. At 200m the beam of the laser can be as little as 200mm. If the
windscreen wipers sit low, then the unit can be mounted straight
onto the dashboard.This is due to the unit needing a clear view front
and rear to detect laser.
  Ford Fiesta

r.jay i didnt notice a difference in start up volume.

The pics there I think the unit is too low. I know thts the only place it will pick up a signal with the uv screen, but it would be better to mount slightly higher looking over the top ofthe wipers and use an additional antenna mounted with double sided pad next to the rear parcel shelf.

  Ford Fiesta

Quote: Originally posted by mauricewt on 18 April 2005

do you think you could use a laser pen to set them off? just thinking of giving them a little test.

no that dont work.

You need access to a real laser gun...

