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right i need some help ,is this road angel gps, worth having, i know it picks up gatsos etc but will it pick up a bloke stood on the side of the road with a radar gun, doing speed checks?
Actually.. I bought one last week. The deal I got was £400 for the unit, 2 years update subscription AND Laser detector module.
The module was out of stock (should get it tomorrow) but I have used the main unit.. works brilliantly. I was going to wait until I got the laser detector installed before I did a write up with some pics.
where was that from matt-leic? and how much extra are they. Mrdemon thats a smart looking bit of kit and if i had the cash id bite your hand off but i need to pay for 1 over 6 months or 12 months any 1 know where i can do this?
I just got a s6R Neo last week as well! Waiting to install the full system including the radar/laser detector under the bonnet once my Clios back. Just testing the GPS unit in the Tipo running off the fag lighter and it seems to work ok. Screen is a bit hard to read though, and it seems to take a couple of minutes to pick up 3 satellites and get started?