craig, the wiring aint visible its easy to route though. I just did it 1st time.
The top pic above shows 2 wires running from the RA2. One wire is the standard power lead, the straight one. This goes down back of windscreen and to side of a pillar as seen above. down the side of the dash behind the rubber, behind the carpet near the pedals and into a 3 way adaptor that goes in to the cigar socket. thats the power sorted.
The antenna runs the same way down the back of the windscreen, along the base of the A pillar (the bottom of the cream panel with the alarm sensors on it) down the rubber at side of dash then right along under the skirting on drivers side of door.
Lift rear seat up behind driver run wire under plastic trim under the rear speaker then up and feed it behind carpet above the rear shock in the boot see pic above.
Then just mount antenna as above and tuck excess wire away.
Luckily there isnt much to tuck away if you run it my route and you are left with a neat instalation with no wires haning about.
hope this helps.