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rolling road day

Awrite lads just been at first rooling road day with guys from VXRonline had a really good seen some nice figure of a couple of the cars like 1.6 sri turbo corsa with 212bhp and an artic astra with 297bhp....even put my standard 172 on and it came up with a 171bhp...just wondering what everyone elses figures are
  225 Cup & Williams
Extreme rollers are pretty good actually. Had a cs meet there a couple of months back. My 172 made 164 bhp so you must have a strong one mate.
  172 Cup
Seems realistic enough too me, good figure for that corsa sri...must of been tinkered with quite alot
Thanks mate...the guys says hes thinks mines is the closest of any sport to run on pretty please with the result tbh cause a seen on here someones 172 came out with 136 :-(

Here's my figures from yesterday
