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RS Clio Grill

  Clio Dynamique 1.2
Hey people,

new to forums, and dont no much about cars either even though trying to do stuff to it :) so any help would be great :)
i have a 1.2 clio dynamique and want a 182 clio sport rs grill, andbody no where i can get one from, and will it fit my car??


ClioSport Admin
EBay or direct from Renault, a search will bring up the part number if you order from Renault :)

It willdefinately fit your car, the grill is a 172/182 one. Just so you don't just limit your search to the 182
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No got a new one on the way via insurance company ftw!!! Nothing wrong with the one that's in the car so gonna try and blag the body shop to let me keep it as they've messed me about
  Clio Dynamique 1.2
Thanks for all the help eveyone, much appreciated :)

emma, when do you think you will no by? as may be intrested in buying it off you if its for sale?
Yeh that's the right grille. Well the body shop are "looking" for the one they should of put on my car so as soon as they find it it will be put on my car. I'm gonna hassle them this week so hopefully it will be sorted by the end of the week
  Clio Dynamique 1.2
ahh right ok then :) well if you do manage to keep it message me and ill see about trying to get it off you :) the grill that sava put on, is that the same one as the one you have?
