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RS ecus

  clio sport 172

Hi all.... just wonderin... what does this renaultsport ecu consist of?? What makes it special? What does it do...and quite much!

I believe Yozza has one? Can u give me any feedback mate?

Cheers, Dan
  2005 Nissan Navara

the map on an ECU gives the fuelling and ignition timing required for an engine run. the criteria for each is different depending on how much power u want to produce.

a MAP is a cross reference grid. it has 16 rpm sites on the x axis, and 16 load sites on the y axis. each site contains the data that the ECU requires to give fuelling/ignition for max. power.
  172 cup,s2 rs turbo

different mapping will alter ing timing,injection duration etc.the rs ecu will have a mapping thats beneficial to driving the engine hard whislt the normal road going ecu is a comprimise between performance,economy and drivabilty under light throttle positions.
  2005 Nissan Navara

"a comprimise between performance,economy and drivabilty under light throttle positions."

ALL throttle positions
  172 cup,s2 rs turbo

there not nes mapped just for max power either.

comprimise-performance(driving hard,full throttle etc)

-light throttle conditions(steady normal driving)

didnt quite phrase it right but i know what i meant.
  2005 Nissan Navara

a road map isnt for max power, no. but wots the point in goin 2 the trouble of re-mapping and not goin 4 max power?
  172 cup,s2 rs turbo

doesnt the group n ecu improve power/torque through the revs but not nes increase the standard maximum bhp?
  2005 Nissan Navara

ive no idea wot the grp N ECU does.

id imagine it will incraese max power if it gives gains further down rev range, but depends wot standard map is like
  Clio 197

There are four Grp N ECUs

(77 11 129) 391 F4R 730 €205.32

434 F4R 732 €203.51

506 F4R 736 €205.32

630 F4R 736 with Grp N Cams €215.20

Prices without VAT. from Alpine Renault catalogue

Whats the difference between them Eddd? Not sure which one ive got, will go see if any of those numbers are on it.
  Clio 197

Damned if I know. Looks like they are for variants of the F7R Engine. The engine they list in the Group N catalogue is the F7R 737 PN: 60 00 072 545


Note: these prices are all in Euros not Sterling

max poower iw not everything. also driveability is very important. if the power band is too narrow perhaps the power will be higher but lap time will be worse

Quote: Originally posted by stan* on 09 March 2004
a road map isnt for max power, no. but wots the point in goin 2 the trouble of re-mapping and not goin 4 max power?
  2005 Nissan Navara

well if ur talkin bout lap-times, driveability is gonna be comprimised. a race engine needs max power/torque to be further up rev-range, therefore driveability is comprimised. but that isnt of much importnace, cos u very rarely drive round town in a flat out race car.

anyway power bands are determined more by cam profile/timing, so if ur gonna map a road car-u might aswell go for max power/torque
