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RS inlets


ClioSport Club Member
  GTi 7.5 pp/Mx5 nd2
When people refer to RS stamped inlets, does this apply only to the lower inlet? IE: Are all upper inlets/plenums/whatever you want to call them, the same?
And it's just a case of the lower inlet being bored out larger so you can match the uppers to, well, 'match'?


ClioSport Club Member
  GTi 7.5 pp/Mx5 nd2
What determines whether a car will have the 'RS' inlets aswell? A specific model/year?


ClioSport Club Member
  GTi 7.5 pp/Mx5 nd2
Ah cheers mate. Fancy doing a DIY spray job on the upper one so as long as it's 172 ph2 (and not 182 or ph1) it makes no difference what I get?
