In the process of filling in the rubbing strips myself at the moment.
Must say that i think its a pretty big job if youre not re-spraying most of the car (which luckily i am!).
If youre planning to sell the car, why bother filling them in?
As for the bumper strips, DONT BOTHER!!! As number 2301 says, theyre moulded on. It would be possible to do it i suppose, if you were to grind the plastic in. Then get the correct type of filler for the plastic. But its a hell of a job though let me tell you! Dont mess with filler if youre not sure you can do it!
If you just want the strips on the bumper done though, personally id do all the fiddly bits, then drop it off with them, i.e. a single line of mask either side of the strips neatly done (this takes a bit of time to do properly, and for bodyshops that means labour!). Should be alot cheaper that way.
Also see if you can get the materials cheap yourself.
Hope this helps mate,