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Ruby on Rails framework

Has anyone heard of this open source web framework?

I did a while ago, right at it's beta stages as such, but I am looking to help develop an online broker platform, and an external consultant mentioned this could be a posibility, and large companies are re-developing certain online platforms with this framework.
  SLK 350
RoR is a complete pain in the ass, it's slower than slow aswell. Java runs all over it in performance stakes.
Hoff, thanks for your input, to be honest, I know very little, please could you elaborate as to why you think that, have you dealt with the framework directly?

We are trying to toy between having an off the shelf package and bespoking it, mainly for RAD and testing the water, or going down the bespoke route, which could be better, however, the project might not undertake and thus 12 months down the line, injected all this money, for nothing.

Basically, we are looking to implement something along the lines of Directlines online quoting system.

Please advice,


