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SE C902 any good?

  20VT Clio & 9-5 HOT

I've decided I'm going to get an iphone for business use, and am now looking for a decent phone for personal use, nothing too fancy, just a nice slim phone with a decent camera.

Currently using an old K800i which is great, but fancy something a bit newer and slimmer. Found this C902 which looks like a cross between the K800i and K850i using the best bits from both and is half the thickness of the K800i at only 10.5mm (compared to 22mm for the K800i)

But I keep reading masses of horror stories about the K850i's dying which is worrying!!!

Anyone know if the C902 is gonna be troublesome like the K850i or ok?

Alternative is Nokia 6220 Classic which also has 5mp camera and proper flash but a bit thicker!

or any other recommendations?

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Sony ericsson's aren't what they used to be. I've got a K850, which has done me alright with firmware updates etc but my next phone will be a nokia, ie: N82.
  none, just walk
been playing with a girl at works yesterday (phone) they are really good!

ive got a n95, and before that i had the k850i but the SE was the pits! this is what that phone should of been! im going to have a look for one for sale cos i recommend them.

its slim and the camera is great and no stupid button layout!
I went for the W760i instead of the C902 purely because the 902 is meant to be used as a camera phone.

Or so I hear.
  Mk4 .:R32
I've got a red c902. Good phone, mint camera. only real downside so far (had it a week) the battery runs out pretty quickly
  20VT Clio & 9-5 HOT
Well I only really want it for general personal usage. txts, calls, decent camera! Something nice and slim for nights out etc!

I've ordered a new I-phone for the geek stuff! :)

I'm used to crap batteries, I've had lots of Symbian Nokias!
Bumpage, any more thoughts ?? I keep seeing the 902 advertised & I really like the look of it.

The best phone I had (well still have, somewhere) is a SE W850i I think it is (the orange & white-ish one that was out a couple of years ago)

Nokia's are just plain crap tbh. I don't want another one. So am considering the 902.
  White Sti Hatch
Ive got it and its a great phone but its slow as death through the menus and texting etc but it may just be me being to quick....


ClioSport Club Member
Had mine a couple weeks now. Brilliant phone and the camera is very good. I got mine on 3 and it comes with MSN on it which is just like the pc version and it's free to use.
  White Sti Hatch
Had mine a couple weeks now. Brilliant phone and the camera is very good. I got mine on 3 and it comes with MSN on it which is just like the pc version and it's free to use.

You not find the phone is pritty slow ??
  Sunshine Bus ph-quick
The new model is MUCH better than the c902, i can't remember what its called off the top of my head, but its due to be released in the next few months.
I am also considering getting the 902, would be interested to know what kind of deals people are getting and what networks they are on etc.


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
Sonyericsson have lost their way IMHO.

All A200 handsets have been pretty poor. (K850, C902, W890i etc etc)
The OS isn't stable and the hardware is poorly built.

Nightmare time as the non s60 nokias are crap too.
I'm thinking the same as you Tom TBH. I'm currently in the position where I can get a new handset next month if I choose and considered the C902 or wait until my contract ends in March and get an iphone. I've had SE phones for a long time now after switching from Nokia's but the K800i and K850i have really put me off. As good as they look and the spec they have the constant kernel panics and other software issues have made owning them a royal pain in the ass. I'm guessing you'd suggest I stick it out and get an iphone in march?
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ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
TBH im bored with the iPhone already.
Its missing a couple of things i actually used on other phones

(Most of which could be solved by updates so i guess im being silly)

But you cant deny its superior UI/OS and the way it makes things so easy.
Android is round the corner so i'm expecting that to be good it also might kick apple up the arse a little.
TBH im bored with the iPhone already.
Its missing a couple of things i actually used on other phones

(Most of which could be solved by updates so i guess im being silly)

But you cant deny its superior UI/OS and the way it makes things so easy.
Android is round the corner so i'm expecting that to be good it also might kick apple up the arse a little.

What do you miss?

I had 5 or 6 SE's in a row and I really cant see me going back now.

The only thing id swap my iPhone for is iPhone 3G! lol..
Apart from the low pixel camera and lack of video (unless this isnt the case now as I've not paid much attention to iphone threads) what am I likely to miss? Do the 3G models allow you to send and receive MMS? What's the email access like on them and does it allow you to view video and picture files or is it limited like on the SE's ?
I dont find the camera that bad tbh.

Quick snap to show someone something really and its fine. If I want proper pictures I have a decent camera for that..

Quick example..

You need it to be jailbroken for MMS but SwirlyMMS is really good.

Email is really good. Mine checks every 15mins I think it is, works a charm with Gmail. Pictures work fine, not 100% on the videos as ive never tried but they cant do flash..


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
No swirly on 2.0

On Sep 1st, 2008 we announced that we have a fully featured SwirlyMMS up & running on iPhone 3G and 2G with firmware 2.x! However, it still needs some beta testing until we can make it available to the public later this month.
I can see me going 3G iphone tbh, I'm guessing firmware updates, patches, jailbreaks and widgets etc will have moved on a fair bit by march improving it anyway.
I have a C902 in front of me right now (waiting to be sent as sold on ebay!)

Its a nice looking handset, camera is very good. There are some great pics on esato that have been taken. Saying that, its only good in good light, low light shooting and shooting with the 'flash' is nasty.

The keypad, although large is hard to text on as the keys are very stiff.

Software has been fine for me, no crashes etc and is pretty quick. Video playback is good and I have been using 20fps and 518kbs for seamless playback.

Speaker is good, and sound quality is good.

The way the camera works is ok, but because of the touch buttons on each side of the screen its only a 2" display. very clear though. Touch buttons and camera slider work well... but in the long run I'm not convinced they will stand the test of time!

Overall its an ok model but as Sony's current flagship cybershot is does fall short of being a great handset.
