My 172 had its 12k service today. The dealerships customer service was once again, poor. For the service which only required a single wiperblade on top of the usual consumables, they have charged me a total of £235.
I was a bit taken back, I only expected it to be £150 - £170 (and on phoning other dealers I have discovered that the above prices are indeed what they charge including labour, parts and VAT). I called the dealer who did the service and explained to them my annoyance, and was told that their hourly labour rate was possibly higher than other dealers because they consider themselves to be in a "London catchment" area (Tunbridge Wells), but all the materials and other services have been charged at standard Renault rates.
I know that I really should have checked their rates before having the work done but I assumed all my local Renault dealers would charge more or less the same. Do you think that it would be reasonable to ask them to refund me some of my money (say £60 to bring their charges more in line with the other quotes I got).
I would welcome other peoples opinions as to what they think of this situation, and I would particularly be interested to hear from the Renault employees that use this forum, as to whether there is a Renault standard for servicing and parts- or if it is down to individual dealers.
PS - Bigmoose, I recall you saying that you knew the Whitehouse Renault people. Do you have an email address for any of the service managers or directors. Cheers.