Fitting it this weekend, getting a few more bits first. Always willing to help my local parts shop hehe. I had a play with the screen first and the pulse display that the D300 screen has is so nice to use. One point with the Pioneer has to be that it is all in, but if you go major off course when driving and you have a mp3 disk in, you will need to hunt for the navi disk a bit lively and slot it in so that the unit can read the map again. Also the alpine is seriously fast its 64bit and I think its gonna be a long while till Alphine change the unit. It depends on what you after mate, i thought with the install I have done I wanted to get the best from it. Will post pics, the hide away unit is a little big thou but will find somewhere to shove it. I forget the lads name who has the same screen but he raves about it on here too.