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sh*t, my clutch is gone!

Naughty Boy

Brembo! Brembo! Brembo!
ClioSport Club Member

Theres nothing better on a wednesday afternoon then burning down A road with your sunnys on, loving up your car, Then a saxo vts comes into your scopes!! drop it into 2nd, scream down the side put it into third and hes long gone!!! but no thats too simple, tried to get it in 3rd, wouldnt go, yanked it in 3rd and then came the loud crunching noise. The little punk in his saxo thought he was the bollox knowing i couldnt get past and i had a problem! AA came out, towed me to the nearest Renault Garage, and i was told that my clutch is completley fu*ked, First one hed seen... has anyone had this problem? only done 20,000 m, also when i picked up the car there is a loud sqeaking noise coming from the suspension. :mad::confused::eek::(

Naughty Boy

Brembo! Brembo! Brembo!
ClioSport Club Member

Yea eventually, my dealer couldnt provide proof to the other dealer that my car had a 12,000 service (which means no warranty). So Renault in Bournemouth had to fork out £450. I also have 3 gaps in my front window screen which lets in water everytime it rains, which also makes a hell of a racket doing a tonne +........... Its all worth it though. I wouldnt change it for anything else:p
  Alfa Mito 155TB

my mk 2 172 crunches on third gear when second gear is reved around to the green change up light, should I be alarmed?

Naughty Boy

Brembo! Brembo! Brembo!
ClioSport Club Member

the problem started from giving it stick in 2nd and having difficulty getting it into 3rd. might be a good idea especally if its in warranty! :(
