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Show Your Home Theater

Just bought a brand new
Pioneer VSX 2021
Pioneer BDP 440 ( both controlled via AirPlay iPad)
B&W 603 S3 - Fronts
B&W 600 S3 - Rears
MS centre speaker
Cambridge Audio ID100 ( unused and for sale if anyone is interested)

All a bit mis matched, but it will do me for now.

Best bit for me is spotify via AirPlay.
  182, SQ7, Trafic
Just realised I have our old showroom program loaded onto my iPad. We know have two way control on the volume at the bottom so it gives us feedback. This also works in conjunction with a smaller remote (RTI T1-B) which also controls the iPad. For example, if you select Blu-Ray on the T1-B the iPad page will switch to it too

Can also be switched to a landscape version


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Surely u should of matched ur fronts with the centre?

Should of, but I bought the fronts years ago- and was given the centre as a freebie replacement.

If the right centre is still available then I should buy one.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio V6, M3, X5
Mine had to be wife and toddler friendly so no big speakers or floorstands.
It also had to look minimal and nice, as much as I'd like to have my own way it's a family home.
For all the Bose haters they do the job very well and look nice so sshhhhh.

I can't be arsed to look at model No's.

Samsung 44" Plasma
Sky HD
Sony PS3
Sony Receiver
5 x Bose dual cube speakers
Paradigm sub


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 200 Raider
few upgrades since my last post on page 1. still not a totally up to date picture as the xmas tree is no longer there.

upgraded to floor standers and a centre speaker

My eyes. Those cables.

Work in progress lol

As well as power, optical and network cables...
I've always thought the glass stands look nice in the shops etc but are a nightmare in reality for hiding the cables..

Indeed. I'm still considering mouting to hide those cables!

The cables, the carpet, the PS3 box, sort it out!

I rent... I'm not renewing the carpet. I own a PS3 and an Xbox... lol
  Bumder With A Buffer
Il post my progress with mine in here me-thinks...

Just bought a new house and have this nice space to fit my TV into..



There are Blue LED chav lights around the edge.

At the moment I have put up my 42" Samsung Plasma although im not too happy with how its sitting. I cant have it flat to the wall as the bracket I have makes it wayyyy too tight to get in and connect stuff up :(

So at the minute its like this angled down....I plan to get a better bracket so I can adjust it as I dont like it sitting down like that. It hides the lights at the top.




My next step before I get too far is to get a new aerial fitted and feed that in place. Then in the alcove underneath il be building some form of shelving to hold the PS3 etc.

Im on the lookout for surround sound of some sort but no idea what I should get.


ClioSport Club Member
Need to decide if you want floor standing speakers or wall mounted Richy.... If you want something you just buy in a box or individual amps and speakers etc.

Budget and requirements will help the guru's help you.
  Bumder With A Buffer
Budget isn't an issue but put it this way I dont like spending money if that makes sense!!

Im thinking wall mounted speakers behind the sofa thats infront of the TV. Floor standers might impede getting in and out of the doors.
  Bumder With A Buffer
Aye is done that but what I mean is the bracket I have doesn't keep the tv far enough from the wall to be able to fit properly.

It catches on the hdmi/aerial leads.

It is a cheap bracket :eek:


Honorary Member
ClioSport Club Member
  Lazy v8
Buy a decent amp... Then you only need to run one hdmi and one power lead to the tv as long as your tv supports ARC? If not you will need to run an optical cable too but that's all... I'm in love with my onkyo 609 and richer sounds have it for £370 ATM I think.... Then budget for about the same if not more on speakers and you have a really good system....
  Golf gti ed30+bmw m3
Il post my progress with mine in here me-thinks...

Just bought a new house and have this nice space to fit my TV into..



There are Blue LED chav lights around the edge.

At the moment I have put up my 42" Samsung Plasma although im not too happy with how its sitting. I cant have it flat to the wall as the bracket I have makes it wayyyy too tight to get in and connect stuff up :(

So at the minute its like this angled down....I plan to get a better bracket so I can adjust it as I dont like it sitting down like that. It hides the lights at the top.




My next step before I get too far is to get a new aerial fitted and feed that in place. Then in the alcove underneath il be building some form of shelving to hold the PS3 etc.

Im on the lookout for surround sound of some sort but no idea what I should get.
sore neck watching that guaranteed, far too high up the wall.
  Bumder With A Buffer
I may well change it eventually but for now its staying put.....that will go on my job list which is ever increasing!
  182, SQ7, Trafic
Why don't you just space the bracket out to bring it about 10mm back from the front edge of that alcove?

Just get some MDF behind the bracket

realnumber 1

ClioSport Club Member
I was going to start a new thread but then remembered this one...

Well I thought I'd show you a few updates to my system:approve:.

I've just replaced this as in my previous post.

And I have now got this setup. Lets just say that it's just got a whole lot better:D.





The extras consist of

B&W 603 s2's

B&W CC6 s2 Centre

QED silver anniversary xt bi-wire speaker cable to those 3 and QED micro to my surrounds which I kept as my Tannoys for now

Denon 3805 AV Amp which although not having any HDMI's was an epic amp in the day and still has stunning sound quality.

Still got a bit of tweaking to do like tidy the cables, finish amp setup, and polish off the surrounds and lighting positions but love it so far!

Here's a pic of my brothers new system which meant I could get these off him:eek:.



ClioSport Club Member
B&W DM601 S3
Wharfedale SW150
LG 42" 32LC2D-EC
HTPC (Core2extreme Quad 2.66ghz, 8gb ram, ATI 8650, OCZ Agility3 SSD)

TV will be next to be replaced at its nearly 6yrs old and doesnt do 1080p, been awesome though, HTPC will be replaced with something silent after that.

realnumber 1

ClioSport Club Member
Looks awesome m8, I so wish I could update mine. Being a terraced house it's not worth it. The only Good thing would be how it looks!

I live in a flat so can't turn them up too loud but can go okay and the guy below has never complained yet... :evil:.
Depends on the time of day really.

Decent surround sound still sounds good at lowish levels as well.

Ol’ Tarby

ClioSport Moderator
  Clio 220 Trophy
s**t pic I know but I've not got better


Ignore the HDMI lead across the wall, just temp. All the cables are chased in the wall

LG42" passive 3D TV
virgin media
LG BD660 networked 3Dbluray player
onkyo 505
TDL studio 10 floor standers (original, not the richer sounds cheaper copy)
Tannoy centre
TDL nucleus KV2 rears

No sub yet, although to be honest, the floorsstanders are pretty basey(sp) as they are
  orange 182
Love the lamps
Got similar set up
Wharfedale 10.1 fronts
Mission rears and centre and sub
Sony amp
Samsung 42" plasma
Sony hd projector with.90" drop from ceiling electric screen
Samsung 37'' LCD
Sony Ps3 Slim 250gb
Turtle Beach PX5 Headset
Asda Surround Sound (Don't Laugh Sounds better then tv speakers)
Dell 1525 laptop
Virgin Superhub (50mb BB FTW)




  Inferno 182 CUP
Excuse the glare from the window its blistering sunshine and the little girl is enjoying the rays!

Samsung 51" Active 3D Plasma
Virgin Media TiVo
Panasonic 5.1 Blu Ray Surround
2011 Mac Mini HTPC
Virgin Superhub (100MB)

All sat square in front of my new 3 seater electric recliner .. this house is the pinnacle for Movies & Sports now! - In fact all the inlaws come round just for the TV when something good is on lol



ClioSport Club Member
  Honda S2000, C63
Panasonic 50VT50
Panasonic 110 BD
Sky HD
Marantz 1602 AV Amp
Mordaunt Short 1XR Speakers
Mission Stancette Speaker Stands
Xbox 360
Apple TV

  2014 Focus Titanium
I'm just about to upgrade from this:



to this:




Can't wait to hear the difference, the Denon AVR gets great reviews for the price. :D
  2014 Focus Titanium
I have that Onkyo set up.

It is decent for the tiny flat I live in.

Yeah it's been great for me for the past 18 months, especially when i added the Wharfedales for the fronts. Now I'm just looking to take a bit of a step up and see what the difference is.
