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Sick of all the noise!

As above really sick of hearing all the outside noise coming from my engine, the road etc, I want inside the car to be as quiet as possible, I really don't want to hear my 1.2 engine rattling along,

What can I do???

Can dull some of it, sound deadening in the doors, rear 1/4 panel, under carpet and behind dash, but all in all, it'll cost loads and add lots of weight to an already slow car.

May be worth while doing the doors and 1/4 panels though, I think I spent about £20 on doing those and its better.
Can dull some of it, sound deadening in the doors, rear 1/4 panel, under carpet and behind dash, but all in all, it'll cost loads and add lots of weight to an already slow car.

May be worth while doing the doors and 1/4 panels though, I think I spent about £20 on doing those and its better.

Cheers mate! Will give it a try where do I get the sound proofing from? :)
