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silver 197 pics

my 197


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
Good pics. good thread. i've just wasted 45 seconds of my life.
  RenaultSport clio 182 cup
why would you waste your money on this, seriously, its a step down from the 182 and a big let down to be fair, outside doesnt do anything for me, all these new futuristic bubbly cars, just not on. no offence to yourself mate, but should have got yourself the old shape
  LY 200
^^^Si as your an old boy ;) i rekon you should do practical now, go for a 182, il swap ya ;)
Sorry guys but it has to be said by someone the vee looks like it crashed into the nearest halfords store.and as for the old shape well it just looks tired now.I am getting some serious intrest everytime i take it for a drive loads of intrest much more than the old shape. not a single bad comment from anyone who has seen it in the flesh.
  tiTTy & SV650
piss poor slagging off the guys purchase and saying mines better. Each to their own I dont like it due to its size but looks decent in silver, the red ones are rank.

But the V6 looks spot on so everyone should agree to disagree lol
Come on now pacey the pic has been altered so the arse looks bigger than in real said before no one has had any bad comments when seen in real life.I love it and thats all that matters.some people like big fat arses BBW.


ClioSport Club Member
lynch22 said:
Sorry guys but it has to be said by someone the vee looks like it crashed into the nearest halfords store.and as for the old shape well it just looks tired now.I am getting some serious intrest everytime i take it for a drive loads of intrest much more than the old shape. not a single bad comment from anyone who has seen it in the flesh.

I don't agree with that imo the MK2 V6 is the best looking clio ever made, and i look forward to owning one.
  RS 200
Lovely car, cant wait till i can get one !!!

Been reading your threads on the 197 over on renaultsport too, nice motor, hope to see more of it on cliosport :)

Thank you chris.the nimbus as renault have called it is completly different from the 172 i had looks great when waxed and polished.
  e60 M5 -172- dciheid
Nimbus ah - paint code different as well


looks nice tho mate - enjoy

get the mileage and loosen it!
lynch22 said:
Sorry guys but it has to be said by someone the vee looks like it crashed into the nearest halfords store.

you're so wrong mate.....but each to his/her own, I will not buy another renault clio unless they make a V6 version of the Mk3.....the 197 just looks so....normal and boring ;)

il reserve judgement till its been slammed 300mm..looks like itll give you 300mm too..;)
looks ok in silver

cheers jimbo
  Renault ChaVio




Personally I don't think the 197 counts as a 'proper' performance car and as previously mentioned it has none of the charm that the last two models had. For the money they cost you could have bought a decent used car. But then all of us look for different things in a car – I hope you enjoy polishing and shopping in yours.


ClioSport Club Member
  Q8 E-Tron
Saw a 197 on the motorway today in blue, looked alright but I think the cup and 182 looks better
