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Sky BB

Or here. No problems for about 2 years to be exact lol

Suitably impressed with Sky BB. Sky are blood-sucking monopolising cnuts and I begrudge giving them money, but the BB has been superb. Cheap too, but then you pay enough for the frikkin tele!!
Meh getting my hopes up that im not alone ftl.

Hmm i can't work out what my issue is. As it records 15mb coming into the house at the router, but its just slow as f**k up here(my comp) and downstairs in the office next to the router. Weird.
Wtf seriously.

"Hello sir my power seems to have stopped working."

"Well, i suggest you get two knifes, poke them in the socket on the wall with it on and see if you care to change your mind" That'll learn im.
It's actually f**king unusable. Worse than dial up.

Here's the stats, from the router.

ADSL Link Downstream Upstream Connection Speed 16382 kbps 797 kbps Line Attenuation 19.0 db 8.0 db Noise Margin 8.9 db 14.5 db

So i don't get what it is, as apparently it's fine coming into the house? Broken router? I've tried wired and wireless computers multiple times, new filter splitting the phone/bb.

Apart from waiting till monday to s**t on sky's desk and call them i'm out of ideas. As it's unacceptable really.
Not that i'm aware of. But i have 8 computers, and everyone of them is running slow? And no one computer would effect all of the others...
  Bumder With A Buffer
Router should have an IP of something like

Just type that in from command line of your PC.

ping (or whatever your router ip is)
I think I solved the issue.

I called sky up, after being pissed about it suddenly started to work, and they hadn't done anything apparently.

Peculiar thinks me.
