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SKY internet usage?


ClioSport Club Member
  MX5 ND2/220 Trophy
I've always been on unlimited but after finding out that you get it for free with line rental I asked why I was paying an extra tenner a month when its free!

Now im on this 2gb allowance thing and i immediately got an email saying im over my limit this month! (with 3 days left to run on billing month)

All i use is email, ebay and this. and facebook on my phone now and again. I don't download. how am i using 2gb a month!?

(before any comedians mention p0rn, no i don't hammer spankwire! well only if my lass doesn't come round for a while!)

what are everyone elses monthly usages/providers/price plans?


ClioSport Club Member
  MX5 ND2/220 Trophy
40GB?!?!?!? kin ell! no i rarely go online with my ps3, only now and again to chat to my bro in abu dhabi.

i suppose 2gb a month isnt really that much. i only just go over it tho, think i might switch provider with a 3-4gb monthly allowance. not paying rip off sky an extra tenner for another 500mb!
  Ph2 Clio 172
2GB is a joke. You would be barely able to browse the net daily on that.

I have Sky Unlimited, and other than the fact it only runs at 2mbit due to the length of my phone line, its been fine.
  182, SQ7, Trafic
500mb for £10?

It's £5 for every 5Gb I go over with BT.

40Gb isn't a lot when streaming film etc, 4 films will be about 10Gb


ClioSport Club Member
  MX5 ND2/220 Trophy
yeah sky are really good for reliability although im not a hardcore user for downloads/films/gaming. I was on unlimited but heard they were giving it free for all tv and phone customers so reduced my bill to sky each month by this (as I'm paying £65 a month to Rupert c**ting Murdoch! - yes I know, rip off, that's another story).

After being on the free 2gb plan though, I've been emailed after 6 hrs to tell me I've reached my limit! gay!


ClioSport Club Member
  MX5 ND2/220 Trophy
500mb for £10?

It's £5 for every 5Gb I go over with BT.

40Gb isn't a lot when streaming film etc, 4 films will be about 10Gb

well sky say that if i go over my 2gb twice (which it looks like I will - just) then they put me on the unlimited plan which is an extra tenner a month.

I dont mind paying it, but i can't justify paying £70 a month to sky anymore after not defaulting on a single payment in 4 years!


ClioSport Club Member
  MX5 ND2/220 Trophy
yeah i tried today but they reminded me i agreed to an extra 12 months at my current deal cos I requested a HD box (cos i had the old school white digibox still!). so when the 12 months lapse on March 25th I'm gonna say i want to leave.

£67 gets me, line rental, phone, unlimited tinterwap, sky tv with music channels and sports channels (not espn) and no HD channels.

If i got all that for £50 I'd be happy enough.
Sky are usually pretty good about giving discounts once your out of commitment. 2GB really is f**k all though, I'm surprised they have still left it that low. My usage this month is 350GB :eek:
  CBR1000RR Fireblade
I have a 60Gb limit with plusnet, I hammer the internet daily and I use around 40GB a month


ClioSport Club Member
Just been talking the parents into possibly going with Sky, problem is its says I cant have unlimited because of where they live and says I can have the 40gb option for more money?? Would 40gb be enough?

My dad uses his Netbook quite a lot, My sis browses the web frequently throughout the day and I have my iPad, iPhone and ps3 on it, I'm not a heavy gamer but have my sessions now and again.

Likeliness of 40gb be enough?

Why wouldn't sky offer unlimited to us?
  Clio 197 F1
Just been talking the parents into possibly going with Sky, problem is its says I cant have unlimited because of where they live and says I can have the 40gb option for more money?? Would 40gb be enough?

My dad uses his Netbook quite a lot, My sis browses the web frequently throughout the day and I have my iPad, iPhone and ps3 on it, I'm not a heavy gamer but have my sessions now and again.

Likeliness of 40gb be enough?

Why wouldn't sky offer unlimited to us?

Depends who's equipment you use in the exchange. If it's Sky's LLU then yeah it will be unlimited. But if Sky don't have an LLU in your exchange then they will most likely use BT equipment which they have to rent therefore won't be unlimited.


ClioSport Club Member
That makes sense.... Specced unlimited then put the postcode in and it dropped it to 40gb usage so guess I'm not in the right area :(
