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Slight hesitation Clio 172 Cup


ClioSport Club Member
  172 cup + more
Hello everyone,

I have looked through the previous threads but have been unable to find something which completely matches my symptoms..

Car has been running fine and being used everyday.
Noticed a few days ago that it was slightly hesitant on about very light throttle, any more it would be fine and pull as per usual, this seems to be getting slightly worse the past day-it had been raining-now sure that would have affected it. Starts fine and pulls well, there are no warning lights on the dash at all.

So I had some OEM injectors which I bought a while ago and have changed these, to no effect. My next thought would be coil pack and/or the lambda sensor, I believe the lambda can be swapped pre and post cat so may try that. But before I start doing all that has anyone else experienced this and what did you do to rectify.

Thanking you in anticipation.


ClioSport Club Member
  172 cup + more
Just to update this as hopefully this will help for when people use the search button.

I had a look at the plug leads and all seemed visually OK, however I ordered some new plug leads and spark plugs and changed this and the hesitation has now gone, so even though the old plugs leads looked OK and were not that old I suspect that one of them was started to break down.

All running OK at present.

Thank you @Zoflora for your reply.


ClioSport Club Member
  172 cup + more
OK, so just to go round full circle and to help people with similar issues, the hesitation returned late last year. I managed to book the car in to Mick at Diamond motors who was able to diagnose an issue with the throttle body (a careful journey back home where the car decided to go into limp mode on a smart motorway was a slight cause for concern).

New (used) throttle body from a 197 fitted over the weekend and seems to have rectified the issue. (Gen Renault items on back order)

Will still need a bit more testing to make sure but fingers crossed this has sorted it.

Mr Trailer Man

ClioSport Club Member
Well this is weird... Just seen this and i have what i think is a similar thing on my 182.

Does it once warm, cruising at say 30mph in 3rd i get like a slight juddering feeling but once i apply any throttle it clears up.

Will do it in any gear between 2-3k rpm.

Is that what yours is doing?


ClioSport Club Member
  172 cup + more
Mine seemed to be more noticeable at cruising speeds of 65mph or so and with light throttle in 4th or 5th. Like a misfire that would then clear. I had the electrical light come on the dash and it would go into limp mode. Once turned off and then on again the limp mode would clear.

Check the relays in the engine bay fuse box, there is a large white one which I have been told can cause the issue, sometimes it can get corroded, as well as the throttle body connection and throttle pedal electrical connection.

Mick at Diamond motors was able to run live diagnostics to see what the throttle pedal and throttle body were doing and noticed an anomaly. If you can find someone to do that it should be able to pinpoint the issue hopefully.

Mr Trailer Man

ClioSport Club Member
Ahh yours is a bit different then i think.

I have no lights on the dash, no error codes and no limp mode.

My pedal and throttle body look to working properly on the live data i've seen.

Even did a track day the other week, faultless.
