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Smoke and horn when turning the wheel

  GONE!!Yozza'd BG 182
Friend of mine has a clip mk2 1.2, apparently when she was going at a round about the horn randomly went off and would not stop and them smoke was coming out from behind the steering wheel.

is this a connection problem? Should she disconnect her battery when not driving until it has been looked at?

  Mk2 Ph2 172
Common fault that the squib wiring connections melt and touch or the wiring burns out for the horn !!!

I would replace the Squib very soon as it could end up catching a light at worse!!!

Mine did this lol
Do 1.2s have a squib? Or does every car? Genuine question btw, I can't remember seeing one on my 1.2.
  Lionel Richie
yup as said, new squib, not cheap, but better than disco inferno!(pull horn fuse out for now, safe to drive then)


ClioSport Club Member
  Focus ST225, Focus E
Iv just fixed this problem on a customers car, new squib and away it went
  1.2 clio
If this is a common fault can't Renault fix this under a recall item ? Us I know the bonnet catch was and I took my car down to my local and put a new one on for free.
  GT 86
What's a squib?

This if Im not mistaken ;)

  Mk2 Ph2 172
No it's the whole thing not just what You have sort of circled lol

Get one from someone who is breaking a car, if its in good condition they are plug and play.... It's just the steering angle sensor that is clip to the front of it that isn't plug and play so you will have to use your original sensor !!!
