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some ppl

Just been out for a quick drive today to pick up some essentials and I came up to a set of red lights with a merging slip road to the left of me, ppl on the slip road have to give way.So Im at the light and this guy in a bmw comes down the slip road and stops like an inch from my front wing... then keeps edging forward to push in... I was in no mood so I pulled forward so he couldnt pull in front... he started giving it the verbal out of the window .. the light went green and I pulled off... he then over took me and pulled in front... bearing in mind that all this time he could have pulled out of the slip road behind me and been fine... these things really tick me off sometimes..

Thing that always worries me after this sort of stuff though is wether the bugger will look for your car with a key in his hand.

I should have let him pull in front but you know how it is sometimes in the heat of the moment... some ppl think that youre just gonna give them the right of way if they push and shove enough....

Rant over...


  Audi TT Stronic

nah you were perfectly right to block him off.. I do it all the time .. if the stop and wait I normally let them out.. if they barge their way out they get nowhere..

same here, if soneone is waiting and indecating then Ill let them out....

push or dont indecate and they can bloody wait :D
  BMW X5, Exige 260.

You did the right thing Locky, sounds an arrogant tw*t.

Seems he conformed to the BMW drivers stereotype perfectly.
