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Sony Ericcson k800i

  2004 1.2 Dynamique
Bought one of these last week although betteries only lasting like a day on it, is this normal how long should it be lasting?
  182Cup, MinesGTR R35
lol thats a joke m8t, send it back, coz it sould last 3-4 days, the battrey must be nakerd, did you leve it charging for 24 hours. If not thats why.
  Nippy white cup
I have had mine for a year now and it lasts a good few days...even when it gets right down it can last another day. Do you have things like bluetooth on all the time or play music through it alot. Sounds obvious but that will make a difference.

  2004 1.2 Dynamique
Its brand new, I was told I had to run the battery flat... then leave it charging for 16 hours, I ran it flat and charge it for about 12

I dnt play music through it, but have bluetooth on all the time
  182Cup, MinesGTR R35
Its brand new, I was told I had to run the battery flat... then leave it charging for 16 hours, I ran it flat and charge it for about 12

I dnt play music through it, but have bluetooth on all the time

I have my bluetooth on constantley m8t and it lasts 3-4 days still
  RIP Dan
Are you on 3G Joel? ie is the blue and white swirly sign on?

If so then you will find that and perhaps being constantly packet attached will drain the K800i in a day.

Mine is set to 2G only now and its fine.

Its a known problem with them where i work.
