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South East Christmas Night Out - 5th Dec - London

  Golf 7.5R & Clio 200
Oh, and just so people can recognise me when I get there I'll be the 6'3" guy with glasses and loads of hair. Probably wearing combat trousers and a death metal T-shirt. I also have a beard that I should probably get around to removing one of these days, as it's more annoying than cool.

Well I'm 5 foot 6. Proper tall. Will pm my number just in case


ClioSport Club Member
  335d, GT4
go to the city, have a few drinks in tower 42 (city social), head to madisons for a bit, then somewhere filthy like roadhouse in covent garden and then you can decide the rest depending on what a crazy amount you've spent.

Captain Hat

CS Academician
ClioSport Club Member
  2002 Clio RS 172 Cup
We're here now, just around the former from London Bridge. You are more than welcome to join!

Captain Hat

CS Academician
ClioSport Club Member
  2002 Clio RS 172 Cup
There should be, I distinctly remember at least two cameras being waved in our direction. Or, rather, one phone-standing-in-as-a-camera and one Actual F**king Camera With Proper F**king Lenses On It And Everything.

As for how I'm doing, well, honestly I was kinda annoyed that I had to leave when I did. I was just getting revved up- and as such, I was pretty good on Sunday. Today's been s**t, but I think that had more to do with it being Monday than it did with Saturday night's excesses.
