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South Wales General Chat

  clio sport 172
hey guys new to the south wales clio gang

hope to get the name swapped by the admins soon tho :)

hope to see ya all soon
  Clio mk3
im quite new on here,dont really know anyone from here from around south wales area and would like to meet some members of cs. is there any local meets planned?
im quite new on here,dont really know anyone from here from around south wales area and would like to meet some members of cs. is there any local meets planned?

There's a good bunch of people around here. :) The last meet we had a drive around the Beacons and I made quite a few friends that day and got to put a few faces to the usernames.

It's harder with the shitter weather to go for a meet or a good drive. Plus none of us want to stand around burning oil drums rubbing our hands together like we're in WW2 Russia.
Wouldn't mind meeting in a pub or going for a meal or something though if anybody is up for it.:drunk:
  Clio mk3
That's a fair point haha,guess I'll have to wait for better weather and maybe get to meet some people in the new year!


ClioSport Club Member
I'm up for a pub grub meet sometime soon. Would have to be sooner rather than later as the weather is already making it interesting in terms of driving the Vee around and I'll soon be off doing the whole festive family thing... yay. :rasp:

EDIT: Actually, there seems a few peeps around the Cardiff / Caerphilly / Newport area so... fancy meeting up for a bite to eat? One weekend? Lunchtime?
I am from Caerphilly area mamate what about bowling for a mate :)

Bowling could be a laugh though I can't bowl for s**t. I'm still up for getting a bite to eat somewhere and my vote is for the buffett in Cardiff. Gives us a chance to sit and chat to each other rather than hoon around a mountain. :rasp:
We could pick a Sunday somewhere in December and I don't mind giving them a ring.
Might be a bit of a trek for some folk but at least there's plenty to see and do around Cardiff.


  Megane rs250
Went bowling with a couple of mates a few months back the mrs came aswel. . . She was awful worst technique ever she ended up in a lot of pain with her right arm from constant bad bowls
bowlplex is pretty decent prices cheaper for two games than it is for one . . I know I didnt understand it either


  Megane rs250
If im not down the mrs mothers I'll come have to wait till next week to find out for definite

Matt W

ClioSport Club Member
  Volvo XC60 T8
Sounds like a plan.

Unfortunately it's my birthday on the 15th so i'll be in no fit state to drive :(


ClioSport Club Member
:( My own car club's Christmas meal is on the 15th so I can't make that date! Sorry chaps. I could pop down for lunch for an hour or so but I won't be eating as I have several courses lined up for the evening meal! LOL!
  Clio 172
Just thought I would say Hello! I'm from Bridgend and recently bought a 172 so I figured I should join this site.

So... Hello! :clap:
