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Southend Meet 31st

Hi All, i am new to this site,although i have owned my 172 for over 6 months I have only recently found out about this site, I wil be meeting at the Boreham BP in Chelmsford at 6.30.. who else will be there.......

Also does anyone know anywhere that will insure me on my 172 am only 21 and struggling Tesco is quite cheap but no one esle will insure me, clean license and no claims, most companies want me to be 30 years old.. sorry fellas cant wait 9 years to drive the beuty...


Thanks for those I have tried elephant but they are more expensive....

I live in Felsted nr Dunmow if anyone is going from around there...... Where are people meeting, some say Riverside car park and other say Boreham BP.... also WHAT TIME.... 6.30 or 5.45


nightrider - if you coughed up the 5 squid to join you would be able to post this thread in the correct forum - meetings!!!! :) I will leave it where it is this time, but dont do it again :cry:

Sorry about "posting in the incorrect place".. i am new to this... I will be applying for membership Today...... Where can i post messages then?

thats ok - you find details on membership ok on the home page?? if yuo want any more info, pm me! the only forum that is locked to non-members is the meetings section! once you have your membership you can post in there as well - be good to see you at Southend on 31st - you can do your membership then if you want to btw.

Try Elephant and put your Mum/Dad on the insurance as an additional driver (Trust Me) I put my Mum on the insurance and it came down from £1170 to £916

(and no she is not the policy holder!)

Dunno why this works but it does. Put my dad on too but then it went up again. Need to just out one on (i,e. Mum or Dad.)

I am 23 with 2yrs no claims.

Also try Admiral... they are not too bad either
  Mr2 Roadster

Admiral are Elephant... Elephant is the online side to keep costs down...

I got £200 quid off for putting my bird on mine...
  Megane 225 baby! :)

Hello and enjoy your 172! :D

Have you tried Liverpool Victoria?, they are supposed to be good!
