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Speed Cameras!!!!

Quote: Originally posted by 172_4_life on 17 June 2004

Have to agree the signs that flash you speed up are far more effective than the GATSO etc.

Makes you think more and slow down
Are you trying to tell me that a sign flashing your speed has more effect than 3 points and a £60 fine ??


Quote: Originally posted by jetskidia on 18 June 2004

Quote: Originally posted by 172_4_life on 17 June 2004

Have to agree the signs that flash you speed up are far more effective than the GATSO etc.

Makes you think more and slow down
Are you trying to tell me that a sign flashing your speed has more effect than 3 points and a £60 fine ??

Did you know those signs that flash your speed, if you go through one in a 30 at ovr 50 they dont flash your speed, the ones that just flash slow down dont have a lmit the safe side of 80 though.

I go through a lot of towns on A roads in the early hours.

*Braces for the backlash*
  Clio 197

Just wanted to add my rant about cops... speeding... and police fund raising...

Doing 90 on M20 near Maidstone. Suddenly, I see a dark car absolutely leathering it towards me... doing about 140+... Cars to my left doing the same speed, and the dark car ends-up up my ass... I couldnt even see the headlights... so I put my foot down (in order to get out of the way)... Reached 115, then found a gap to move into lane 2, next thing you know I see blue lights in my right wing mirror (appearing from behind the grill of the dark unmarked car).

Averaged 104.2, got 3 weeks, 230 fine, and my employer decided to constructively dismiss me because they couldnt officially (as there was nothing in my contract about being banned)....

Now Im one of those guys who wont budge from lane 3, just in case. Well done kent police.
  Mini Cooper S sport

Wow that was unfair...

I hate it when people drive up your ass, and you cant pull over - I cant afford to lose my license to I tend not to speed (I rarely even go over 90)

Now I have a 172, to me knowledge is power - I KNOW I can go faster than these mailto:tw@ts">tw@ts if I want to - I just choose not to :D.


  Audi TT Stronic

Well not gonna give any details but I have already put one speed camera out of action..

Its was blatantly there just for revenue ! and up to the time I did it I had never revieved any speeding points so it wasnt vengance, just so plain pissed off with coppers taking the easy way out again !
  182, GTR, C63

Quote: Originally posted by _KDF on 18 June 2004

Well not gonna give any details but I have already put one speed camera out of action..

Its was blatantly there just for revenue ! and up to the time I did it I had never revieved any speeding points so it wasnt vengance, just so plain pissed off with coppers taking the easy way out again !
Well class that mate. Respect!! Ive thought of different ways of killing them but its gotta be in a dark place so you dont get caught. If you got a drill and drilled a hol in it then get a flute and tip petrol into it then a bit of tiolet role light it and get out of there. Problem is when a copper asks you why you are grinning at 2am with a pistol drill in your hand. Alternatevly i cud get my m8 to take his number plates off then drive upto it and shoot into the lenses with my air rifle. Theres one in leeds that i drive pas and somone has pulled the top off and took of with it. Probably asumed it was one with film in and hed just got caught or something.

Quote: Originally posted by DoddCup on 19 June 2004

Quote: Originally posted by _KDF on 18 June 2004

Well not gonna give any details but I have already put one speed camera out of action..

Its was blatantly there just for revenue ! and up to the time I did it I had never revieved any speeding points so it wasnt vengance, just so plain pissed off with coppers taking the easy way out again !
Well class that mate. Respect!! Ive thought of different ways of killing them but its gotta be in a dark place so you dont get caught. If you got a drill and drilled a hol in it then get a flute and tip petrol into it then a bit of tiolet role light it and get out of there. Problem is when a copper asks you why you are grinning at 2am with a pistol drill in your hand. Alternatevly i cud get my m8 to take his number plates off then drive upto it and shoot into the lenses with my air rifle. Theres one in leeds that i drive pas and somone has pulled the top off and took of with it. Probably asumed it was one with film in and hed just got caught or something.
it makes me laugh how worked up people get about speed cameras

Did you know that if you burn/torch a speed camera that is part of a partnership, that its YOUR taxes that will pay for the replacement

the funding for the actual camera housing comes from local councils or the highways agency!

Bottom line - we all speed, if you get caught by a mobile van using laser equiptment you have to take it on the chin.

If you get done by a static gatso that has yellow backing, you need to slow the F**k the down and get your eyes tested, most should be visable from 1000 yards.

*runs for cover*

but raj!!!!!!!!! they may be yellow!!! but many are hidden before u know it your zapped!!!!!

i dont have to worry about that tho mate as i know where all 5 are in my town!!!!

every morning without fail i get one of them to flash me as i drive towards it!!! 10 days on the trot now!!! lol

I am in total agreement about there being extra tests and a system similar to the ones motorbike users have.

I dont understand why motorbikes have to have certain tests, certain age before geting a more powerful bike etc, yet there is nothing like that for car users??

My last 3 points came from a trevelo up near Coventry, at 10:30PM on a Sunday night.

Completely clear night, no other traffic on the road, and I was tired and wanted to get home, 64 in a 50. It just seems unfair that from what was IMO safe driving on a safe road I get screwed for it.

I wouldnt mind if the system didnt seem like its main purpose was to screw motorists off, but it seems that way to me.

The flashing signs are very good, a couple of towns I used to drive thru had them and it made me take notice (maybe cos I thought a gatso was there but it still made me notice and take action). A better system (until people learn there are no cameras involved I guess)


  182 & LY Clio 220 ed

In Tameside, they have those signs just before the camera. In Glossop and Hyde, the cameras are not yellow, Glossop are green (to match the grass and scenery) and Hydes are blue, so they are just that these signs are placed right in front of the cameras, so by the time you are warned, youre on candid thats naughty. Whereas in Scotland, the cameras in the majority are yellow with red diagonal lines across could see them from miles away...such a better idea
  BMW 320d Sport

Flashing signs are the way forward. Its very logical really. When I am approaching a village in the middle of nowhere, especially at night and suddenly a bloody great sign lights up I see it as a friend - its reminding me of the speed limit there and warning that there may be houses or a junction or something up ahead that I should slow down for. Not only this, I know that because it has no camera, THERE IS NO ULTERIOR MOTIVE. I can choose to be a tw*t and speed through the speed limit area, or slow down and heed advice from a totally impartial sign. The sign has no interest in banning me from the road or fining me because Im driving at a speed which may be over the limit. The only possible reason for the sign being there is to slow me down - therefore I respect the sign and slow down. Even on roads that I know like the back of my hand, I still slow down for those light-up signs and maintain extra vigilance for cars pulling out in front of me, pedestrians etc.

With a speed camera its completely the opposite situation. The amount of times the police have tried to stitch me up, prosecute me without evidence except a photo of the rear of a car with the same plates as mine, Ive just had enough. That yellow b*****d box on the side of the road infuriates me, I know for a fact its there for nothing but money making, everytime I see one of those Safety Camera Partnership tw*ts on the telly who are only interested in perpetuating their cosy little self-financing scheme I want to smash their face in. When I see a speed camera I brake hard for it, then go off on my merry way at my previous speed. If theres anyone on here who doesnt like it, tough sh*t. I havent been involved in any kind of accident for years, and the last time I was, it was at 5mph on a busy crossroads amongst multiple cars that nudged each other because of a traffic lights/priority problem. When it rains or theres low visibility, I slow down to a a lot less than most other drivers on the roads simply because Ive been driving long enough that I have a very realistic idea of how quickly my brakes will haul me up. If the roads are clear I drive as fast as I feel comfortable with. If its somewhere Ive never been before I go relatively slow because I never know whats around the corner. I drive expecting someone or something to jump out in front of me. That way I dont have any accidents. Why the f**k should some jumped-up c**k who has a vested interest in clocking up speeding fines with their camera, because otherwise they will be out of a job, tell me how fast to drive. Thats for me to decide, in conjunction with the guidance from the various speed limits. Sometimes in bad conditions its crazy to do 70 on a motorway, 40 would be more appropriate. Other times, in the dead of night on a clear road, why not do 120?

The bottom line is, if they were that interested in slowing down speeders they would be spending the millions that they line their pockets with on proper road engineering measures - identifying genuine blackspots and increasing visibility, rearranging approaches to busy junctions, utilising modern high-grip road surfaces etc. But of course that would mean spending money on something that wouldnt see any return. If speed cameras did their job and slowed everyone down, they would not have any work to do. Therefore as the Parnerships are completely self-financing, the arseholes who work there would be out of a job, the traffic units who use the money to pay their everyday operational costs would be skint again, the knobs who sit in mobile unit vans all day eating doughnuts and catching motorists would be on the dole, the CPS would no longer be able to boast so many successful convictions (cos God knows they havent got the skill to convict real criminals, so the general public will have to do, cos they dont know how to defend themselves in court and dont get legal aid), the speed hump and obstacle course firms who make a fortune out of road-calming would suddenly find no-one was willing to pay for them to constantly do pointless roadworks on the same stretches of road over and over again, even the camera companies themselves who make fortunes would go bust. A whole self-made industry of useless idiots who are a complete waste of space to society would have to go back on the dole.

Or of course, they could continue to manipulate the figures and push their lies on us so that it doesnt all come crashing down around them. Look at the truth, not the selected facts that they see fit to publish. Explain why deaths in Essex are up this year yet they are the county with the most speed cameras? Oops they forgot to mention that one didnt they? Doesnt really suit their purposes, people might think that safety wasnt actually their aim. Of course, neither do they mention that while deaths and serious injuries that they quote so proudly that have been lowered, are only at highly localised camera sites, they have simply shifted the problem to other areas and made it worse - the fact that deaths and injuries are getting worse overall every year doesnt figure, because all they have to do is maximise their own income. b******s.

[Edited by Nick Read on 19 June 2004 at 1:28pm]

Motorbikes have a much higher death rate than cars yet the trevelo cameras can not catch bikes speeding (therefore can not slow them down) because they take a photo of the front of your bike which has NO number plate and therefore no way of identifing the rider or bike???

As more cameras are becoming trevelo ones, they are letting more bikes and lorries (lorries because they always speed but never go above 70mph) through and only catching Cars....its totally unfair way of doing it.

Roll on my Origin B2 :)



  Audi TT Stronic

Best ways to kill them include...

Drill a hole, then get a nice big can of builders expanding foam and spray away :)

Or a tyre hung over it filled with petrol.. or an air rifle will do a nice job, probably take out the camera lenses behind the main lense aswell, or you can simply go with the old can of spray paint.

Some cameras are fine, but they are taking the piss now ! Saw a mobile speed van parked at the end of the city bypass waiting to catch speeders ?? wtf ??

PS. I did it for my own reasons.. not saying people should go out there and do it but everytime I drove past the camera it put a smile on my face :D

gatso detectors are to be built into all new cars... manufacturers want it. People want it who buy cars.

the government is going to make it illegal ????? why ?? it allows people to know they are there so they can drive slowly, same effect surley as not speeding.

Money making f**kers.. not really the police.. they have there crime fighting budgets cut in half by the government so they have to generate there own revenue !?!

then the government spends both the cash the police make and all the savings they made on a war knowone wanted ??? then with the bit thats left over they buy two new hospital beds and claim the NHS is getting better all the while not taking on any new nursing staff ???

hmm.. this government and the last, come to think of it all of the governments are fukin crap at what they do.

Gordon brown gets on a bike for a photo op to take people out of their cars

"hes doing his bit !" nup... he arrives in a jag. Then when the photo shoot is over they arrive in ANOTHER jag and drive off -- FACT !!! ArRRRRRRRRGH

then they travel down the Bus lanes on the m5 with personal drivers and dont pay for their own fukin petrol in their 4.0v8 jag...

how much of a tw*t can you be..

all i can say is to stop people like this getting into parlement and being the managers at all of out works places. is to bully the f**ker more at school so they learn how to respect common sense.




[Edited by me you fekkers ! on 19 June 2004 at 5:33pm]

Quote: Originally posted by cliotuRS on 19 June 2004

gatso detectors are to be built into all new cars... manufacturers want it. People want it who buy cars.

the government is going to make it illegal ?????

Where did you here that they are going to make it illegal?

They say that the cameras are only in "Blackspot" areas and the camera GPS detectors are only there to tell you where "blackstop" areas are, so how can they make that illegal??

Hope you are wrong.



  182 & LY Clio 220 ed

I dont think that they can make the detectors built into cars. France and Holland consider camera detectors as illegal, so if you took your car with this fitted as standard into their country, they could pull you and then arrest you for this...

I remember the Truvelo camera by Wellington in Telford, it was there for about a week...someone cut it with an angle grinder...I wouldnt mind, but it was the only bloody camera in Telford!

read in in autocar.


on news on the home page theres this if you have a look:

Begg transport

Obviously angered by the increasing backlash against speed cameras, Begg continued, "On the roads, we have a dangerous minority prepared to physically destroy speed cameras introduced with the sole intention of saving lives. On the railways, tampering with a safety system would lead to attempted manslaughter charges and ostracism by society. Destroying speed cameras is like ripping smoke alarms out from a school

more like: Destroying speed cameras is like Setting a smoke alarm off in a school

Because there isnt a fekin fire !!!
  182, GTR, C63

I didnt think the topic would generate as much interest it was just to let of stop steam so that i didnt end up in jail on an attemp to kill the local cameras. Obviosly people feel very strongly about it!
