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Speedometer acting up!

Has anyone had a problem with the speedo on their mk1 172. Mine has just started to act up. Some times it works and then it does not. When it does work its very erratic jumping between 30mph and 120mph. Any ideas as to whats wrong as its bugging the crap out of me........


  Audi TT Stronic

It is yes..

However that was not the question.

Try pressing the trip computer button while turning the key to the acc position, just to check if the needle is okay, the car will start to beep at you and all the needles will start moving, make sure the speedo is jumping up/down in steady increments (of 20mph IIRC)

Failing that then you have a fault speed sensor or possibly even ecu as I think the speed sensor runs through the ecu hence your stereo having the speed setting wherby the volume would go up and down.

Basically if you have a warranty still get it in and checked by Renault.
