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Splitter for an '07 Campus?? (and hello!)

  Campus 1.2 Sport
Hi, been a voyeur on this site for a little while, gathering titbits of info but never got around to posting, so figured it was about time!
What I need to know is if anyone out there in Clio land knows if a theres a splitter suitable for a campus?? Can't post an image yet (will get some pics up soon though) but was wondering if anyone has any ideas. I know on other models a megane one will fit, but not sure what to do with mine. Help?!!


ClioSport Club Member

Can't really give a definite answer until you post a picture of which campus bumper you have, but as far as i know they're the same shape as the other non-rs clios, so there'll be loads of splitters that will/can be made to fit - dynamique/megane/laguna etc

Some may require a bit of DIY cutting though.

