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Sport badge dimensions/position

  Renault Clio GT 1.6
Coming to the final stages of my rep now, body kits all on, wheels are on. Now the small things are going to be added. was wondering where about the 'Renault' and the 'sport' badge goes. obviously I know there on the left hand side of the reg plate ha just if anyone knows the exact position would be massively appreciated :) photos welcome

cheers max
  Renault Clio GT 1.6
but its the only thing thats missing now? you wouldnt be able to tell apart from the sunroof
just seems weird without it
  Nothing at the mo :(
making a 2.0 look like a 1.2 and beating businessmen bmw's in there big cars = cool brapp lol

making a 1.2 loo like a 2.0.. then when a chav beats you he think's he just done a RS = twatish
  Renault Clio GT 1.6
making a 2.0 look like a 1.2 and beating businessmen bmw's in there big cars = cool brapp lol

making a 1.2 loo like a 2.0.. then when a chav beats you he think's he just done a RS = twatish

yeah i agree, but i dont race my 1.2 haha, because that would be foolish. if a stupid chav wants to race past me as im going to work and gets a hard on, big whoop lol.
only reason ive made mine a rep is because i love the sports and i was bought the car for a birthday present a few years back
  ph2 172
I wouldn't put them on and I own a 1.2, get a nice cliosport sticker or KTR sticker on the left side. Get some smooth bullets too :)
