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spraying grille, fog surrounds, splitter etc...

Bascially all the black plastic bits are looking abit dull, so just wanted to brighten them up abit so what can i use to bring them back to looking quite new.

I dont mean changing colour, just give it a better black finish.
  Phase 1 172
You can get back to black from halfords which is like a cream that sokes in and makes them shiney, other wise get them painted.
back to black? :S

If you do decide to paint don't forget to use an adhesion promotor like buldog. A standard matt black would look cool.
  172 Cup, Ibiza Cupra
I don't think you clean them with peanut butter. You clean them with a degreaser and then add the peanut oil to feed the plastic and leave a shine.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 200 RS EDC
In all honesty I'd just spend a few quid and get brand new ones, I did this and it made all the difference..

Most of the time the lower grill is still as it was, so its a case of new top grille and fog light surrounds, think I paid around £55 from renault - you'll spend £15-20 in paints and sand paper.

Might just be me bit you can tell straight away if they've been painted, me no like!
