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Spraying technique


Having a few problems. The overall finish of my work isn't bad, but after applying paint i notice that the surface is bumpy? Like the paint has come out in tiny little dots. Lacquer is fine, just the paint. Tried finely wet sanding it with some 1500, but it left loads of scratches.

Can anybody tell me what i'm doing wrong? Cheers


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Give the can a really good shake, it might be the way it's coming out, or it could be a dirty enviroment.

Wet sanding what exactly? After lacquer?


Yes, i'm sure. Not really scratches, just marks. Nothing that stands out too much, but not subtle enough to ignore.

wet sanding @ 1500 left loads of scratches? are you sure its... wet?

Always shake well before, and warm the can up in warm water before (aparently this helps). I tried sanding before lacquer, after the colour coat had been applied. But as said, this left marks all over it. Thinking of sanding inbetween paint / lacquer with some 2000, hopefully this should sort it out!

Give the can a really good shake, it might be the way it's coming out, or it could be a dirty enviroment.

Wet sanding what exactly? After lacquer?
  106 GTI
make sure you build up the paint enough before laquer. as you wet sand constantly look and feel.

Make sure its completely dry to and dont touch with your fingers as this leaves grease behind


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
You can't wet flatten basecoat mate, maybe the primer you are using needs flattening before basecoat?

If it's bumpy after basecoat then you have to let it dry and tac it off. Google tacing off in a bodyshop.
