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Springs ????


ClioSport Club Member
  ITB'd Clio
Was thinking about coilovers and now changed my mind and looking at getting a decent set of springs;)

Not really into lowering the car and looking great i just want it to handle better than what it does now. Im into sprinting so the car gets pushed for about a minute and most of the time little twisty corners.

Im getting drawn to Eibech Pro Kit.

Do many people use these??
  Clio 197
Nice one do i need to order through the website??

i got mine from Kam a few weeks back - very fast delivery and the best prices around! They dont lower much (i fitted sportlines to my cup) but firm the ride up a little and with the 5 year guarantee you cant grumble
  172 Cup
Eibach sportlines....end thread. Coilovers as i keep saying are a waste of money in terms of performance for a road car unless you are gonna spend big bucks on buying a good set and then even more money on having them set up correctly.
  172 Ph1, Lupo GTI
Well worth getting your orders in before the end of the month. Eibach are increasing their prices by 4% from July.
