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Spun the rear subframe bolts, advice needed


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 172
As in the title, all 4 of my mother flipping subframe bolts have spun today. Has anyone got any ideas? I can see access to the front but the rears make me want to set the car on fire.
Packed everything up and came inside to chill.
I've tried searching on here but I'm s**t at finding info.
Any help and advice on the topic would be appreciated


ClioSport Club Member
As in the title, all 4 of my mother flipping subframe bolts have spun today. Has anyone got any ideas? I can see access to the front but the rears make me want to set the car on fire.
Packed everything up and came inside to chill.
I've tried searching on here but I'm s**t at finding info.
Any help and advice on the topic would be appreciated
Rear bolts on the front subframe? You can get to them with a swan neck spanner, mine had all spun and it wasn’t that bad a job once I got the spanner.

Djw John

Scotland - South
ClioSport Area Rep
You can get to them from the other side, the engine bay side.

Try to break the captives off totally and remove them then you can get onto the nuts properly
