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Stage 2 r26

  535d / t5 caravelle
Not sure mate, can probably ask my mate to find out if you like? ( he's good mates with the owner ) there £35 an hour labour though just to warn you, pretty damb good going that in 4 years lol


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 200 RS EDC
Yeah please, I'm going to check there's no s**t on any of the sensors and that they visually look ok.
It's has new discs and pads all round recently so it's bound to be something via that but Birchdown is a long way for 2 mins on a laptop!
  535d / t5 caravelle
Yeah please, I'm going to check there's no s**t on any of the sensors and that they visually look ok.
It's has new discs and pads all round recently so it's bound to be something via that but Birchdown is a long way for 2 mins on a laptop!
Just after I pm'd you, I rang ade tuning, the bird on the reception said they don't have it I'm afraid


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 200 RS EDC
Ah! Oh well - I went the long way round tonight from my mates, no issues - apart from my god this car has no traction at the moment! No diff and past their best tyres. Both will be rectified this year methinks.
Car looks awesome, never liked them in Silver much but with the Black Alloys and Spoiler it looks really good!

How you finding the R26 Bill?

Think this is the path I'm going to go, think it's time for a step up from the 182
  535d / t5 caravelle

Not seen him about for a while. Hope he's well.

How do! All good here thanks mate, you? just been busy with life in general, you must have gone through 2 or 3 cars since the last time I had a proper look on here lol

Car looks awesome, never liked them in Silver much but with the Black Alloys and Spoiler it looks really good!

How you finding the R26 Bill?

Think this is the path I'm going to go, think it's time for a step up from the 182

Thanks jimbob, I'm not usually a silver fan myself tbh, I was after a blue one, but I'd of been waiting for ages for the right one to turn up, and this one was exactly what I wanted, and I love the black on silver.

In comparison to my 172 cup, this things miles apart in performance, any gear it just picks up and goes, over takings a breeze, I've got used to the power now as you do (and want more ). The h & r springs seem to be a perfect compromise for our pot hole roads, the thing that amazes me is the grip from the diff, ( and I've not even pushed it proper ) through some s bends or off a round about its like s**t to a blanket, my front tyres will need replacing in the next month or 2, then I'll push on a bit more through some bends, but even now with 300bhp, it's bang on, copes with the power brilliantly.

On country lanes where the Clio would be dropping into 2nd gear, I just leave this in 3rd and it power on, it's a very capable car, It's averaging 25mpg, mixed driving and a lot of short journeys, I can live with that.

Is it as fun as the clio? NO ( but there hard to beat to be fair )

Get one I say, don't know how a standard one is, but tweaked there quick.


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
Great to here from you bill, definatly one of the top members on here :)

Mmm yeah probably have been through a couple of cars since, lol. But current one I've had since the beginning of December!!. Have looked at changing but it's a nice car so the next would have to be something great really.

Nice to hear from you mate and hope everything is ok.
  535d / t5 caravelle
Great to here from you bill, definatly one of the top members on here :smile:

Mmm yeah probably have been through a couple of cars since, lol. But current one I've had since the beginning of December!!. Have looked at changing but it's a nice car so the next would have to be something great really.

Nice to hear from you mate and hope everything is ok.

Ha thanks for the kind words! I'll have a search for your current car and take a noisy :)
  535d / t5 caravelle
Small updates on this, the cars had an mot a few months back, new ball joint and that was it, the cars going into the garage on Monday for possible hub swivel bearings, the steering wheel does not self centre at all, and it tramlines really badly on straight roads, pulling to either the left or right, so whatever needs replacing will get done, that should be all the big jobs out of the way then.

It's had 2 Michelin pilot super sports put on the back, once I've scrubbed the bridge stones down 2 more michelins will be going on up front. And I've replaced the hid kit, as one of the ballasts rusted away, got new ballasts and bulbs from xenons online, think that's about it.

For all my praising of this car, I'm in 2 minds to keep it or not, I've found myself looking at r56 mini coopers!

My car needs a good clean inside out, and the lacquer off my alloys has been damaged last time I had my winter tyres took off, this has probably made me loose interest recently, time for a good valet!
For all my praising of this car, I'm in 2 minds to keep it or not, I've found myself looking at r56 mini coopers!
Interesting, as I'm trying to decide between a R26 and a Mini

Admittedly I'd probably go R53 (tuned up to 240/250bhp) rather than the R56, but recently it looks like people are recently seeing the potential of the 56's, just look at @Sir_Dave thread
  535d / t5 caravelle
Yeah I've been looking at sir_daves recently, that's not helping matters, r53's seem to have reliability on there side over the r56 but I'd want an r56 myself, but I'd be concerned over the reliability on them, not to mention I'd be taking a hit in performance, handling I wouldn't like to say? I can't help but think I'd regret selling the megane if I did.

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ClioSport Trader
Yeah I've been looking at sir_daves recently, that's not helping matters, r53's seem to have reliability on there side over the r56 but I'd want an r56 myself, but I'd be concerned over the reliability on them, not to mention I'd be taking a hit in performance, handling I wouldn't like to say? I can't help but think I'd regret selling the megane if I did.
If it helps, this is my R53 against what i imagine is a mapped R26 (from about 4:50 onwards):

I havent driven an R26, but performance wise, a Mini with 225bhp or so & a diff would be more than a match for one on track id imagine, certainly from a handling perspective. On the road, id expect the meg to be quicker, due to the low down torque, but once wound up, the Minis are fairly rapid.
R56 wise, a chap on Minitorques does Brands in sub 55's iirc:


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
Goes well your mini. Clearly a better driver than the megane chap/chapess to be fair, lol.
  535d / t5 caravelle
Your mini doesn't half whine it's tits off, fair shifts an all, you look to make pretty easy work of the Meg on that video, WTF is in that Clio after the megane? That's some power in that thing.

The r56 mini you linked is one I've been having a look at on minitorque strangely enough, looks well that.

Think I need to rekindle my love for the megane for now, before I do anything to hasty!
  535d / t5 caravelle

Buy Bills megane :smile:

If its for sale of course :wink:

Ha ha lmfao :) it's staying put for now lol

Lunch hour just spent looking at meg r26s. I'm sold. What a bellend I am putting money into the 330. Ha.
I am getting an r26 next absolutely, not sure when but I am! Look awesome on td pro race. I'll check this thread out when I get home

Good move, should I change my mind I'll give you a shout.


ClioSport Club Member
  GTi 7.5 pp/Mx5 nd2
I tried but they don't work on my phone or work computer. Will have a nosey when I get home. How does the std setup cope with 290?
  535d / t5 caravelle
It copes very well tbh, I've got bridgestones up front with only a couple of mill on, and it still gets the power down well, I don't boot it in 1st gear really, but the odd time I have done, as long as it's dry it grips and goes, so once I stick new tyres on it'll bang on, I'd say it would cope with more power no problem either, obviously there's a close line between getting it right and going over board, another 20 bhp would probably be on the limit imo.


ClioSport Club Member
  GTi 7.5 pp/Mx5 nd2
Ha sorry, I meant how does the turbo cope with 290 or is it an uprated turbo?

If you're ever down Stockport way I'd love a nosey at it
  535d / t5 caravelle
Lol standard turbo mate, no problems, runs out of puff around 6k, plenty of available power from low down the revs in any gear, I'll probably stick a 250 turbo on it when/if this one goes.

You'd be more than welcome to take a look, but I doubt I'll ever be that way tbh.

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ClioSport Club Member
  GTi 7.5 pp/Mx5 nd2
If I'm up over Blackburn way I'll drop you a message. Looks smart and good to get some ideas of ownership
  535d / t5 caravelle
Got the car back from suspected hub bearings, steering was all over the place and very vague, steering wheel didn't self centre, turned out it was just a bolt that had worked it's way loose, so that's saves me a good few quid.

I also had him take a look at my short shifter linkage, as occasionally only when flat out shifting from 2nd to 3rd I'd struggle getting it in gear. Turns out there's a cable that attaches to the linkage, which was getting in the way when moving to 3rd, so the short shifter has been altered to avoid it fouling the cable. My thoughts are it's been fit wrong in the 1st place.

So I know have a not so short shifter mod, but at least I know I'll be able to select my gears again.

So next on the cards are 2 more michelin pilot super sports, a wheel refurb, source another short shifter and get it fitted properly, and a good clean.

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  535d / t5 caravelle
There's a white bush on the linkage as well that can cause stiff gear changes when it gets hot, just need drill a little larger
When I got the short shifter fitted they told me 1st, 3rd and 5th are a bit notchy, but they go in ok, so it's never really been right from day one, but I thought maybe they were all like that, I'll start a thread on the megane forum about it with some pictures. And hopefully it might be obvious what the problem is

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  535d / t5 caravelle
I've not managed to get the wheels refurbed yet, my cars been back to the garage as one of the suspension nuts keeps working its way loose, so they've tightened it up and guess what, the steering Hong doesn't self centre anymore, so it's booked in to get both hub bearings done on Thursday, kind of glad really as I've felt it's been this for a bit now.
  535d / t5 caravelle
Little update on maintenance, got both hub bearings done today, drives as it should again now, also got a picture off my mate who's refurbing my wheels, he's currently doing the centre caps then there ready to pick up.

Thinking about removing the renault sport badge off the back for a cleaner look.


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  535d / t5 caravelle
So went to Shakespeare county raceway yesterday for the day/night, took the Megane up the quarter mile 6 or 7 times, best time was 14.2 @ 102mph, not to bad considering 1st gear was a waste of time, just spun the wheels all the way, slicks on would have easily seen it in the mid 13's, was getting a little disheartened with the times and lack of traction, but to put it in perspective I went against a Mini Cooper s a few times, looked modified, no comparison,6/7 car lengths ahead over the line, went against a blob eye scooby, ( he was with us, just trying to find his 1/4 mile times now ) he left me off the line easily, I passed him at about 85mph, so this on the road would have been easy meat lol.

Most other cars there were big American drag things, my mate took his Astra and got a 10.3 @ 139 mph, say no more!

Quite tempted to buy some cheap slicks and get a 13 just to see what it's capable of, and shut the Vauxhall muppets up, that can't see past the Vauxhall badge. Does my f**king head in! Yes there quick cars when tuned, yes there still s**t cars that are quick.
  535d / t5 caravelle
So, the clutch has started to slip, its not been in a year yet, ive got it booked on with mark black 3rd January for a replacement under warrenty, then its going up for sale next year, i fancy a change.

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