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Stainless backbox replacement (182 Trophy)

  182 Trophy
Hi all,

Noticed my car sounding a bit boomy when I was half way to work this morning. Arrived to find one of the silencers had dropped off en route :confused:.

I've done a search but come up with a myriad of suggestions. I want something quiet and not boomy for use as a daily driver (so no de-cat). What should I go for? I've seen Janspeed recommended, is that my best best? E.g., Janspeed 182 Sports.

Does this mount on the standard exhaust mounts or would i need to buy some new ones to fit it? I only just bought some Powerflex mounts (not fitted yet) too!



ClioSport Club Member
Ktek, PMS or similar make good exhausts.
Issue for you is that you own a trophy, and originality is everything if you want the vehicle to hold it's value.

Start throwing aftermarket parts on it and it quickly looses most of the Trophy magic.
  monaco 172
The one in your original post is a great exhaust. Not loud at all if you go with the centre silencer option.

Decat with the centre silencer also sounds really nice and not obnoxious
  monaco 172
Ktek, PMS or similar make good exhausts.
Issue for you is that you own a trophy, and originality is everything if you want the vehicle to hold it's value.

Start throwing aftermarket parts on it and it quickly looses most of the Trophy magic.
I'm sure Last time I asked how much an oe exhaust was on my old 182 a few years back Renault wanted about £800 for the same naff exhaust that rots away


ClioSport Club Member
Think it's more now, best bet is to keep an eye out for a good used part instead.
  182 Trophy
Ktek, PMS or similar make good exhausts.
Issue for you is that you own a trophy, and originality is everything if you want the vehicle to hold it's value.

Start throwing aftermarket parts on it and it quickly looses most of the Trophy magic.

When I bought this car (off a friend) we hunted high-and-low to get an original Renault exhaust because the one that was on it had rotted. We managed it but it wasn't cheap or easy to get hold of and roughly two years later this one has gone too!

I've kept everything else on the car stock and would prefer to keep this stock but not if it's going to cost a huge amount every couple of years :/

The one in your original post is a great exhaust. Not loud at all if you go with the centre silencer option.

Decat with the centre silencer also sounds really nice and not obnoxious

Awesome, cheers.

Would I need to buy some new mounts, or will my existing ones fit? At least that way I get to use the Powerflex mounts over the rubbish rubber they use as standard.

Coops Mk1

ClioSport Club Member
  Lots of Scrap...
I run a janspeed, it's by far my favourite aftermarket stainless for a road car as it's basically silent.
  182 Trophy
I run a janspeed, it's by far my favourite aftermarket stainless for a road car as it's basically silent.

Does it sound good when you're booting it? I don't mind a loud exhaust if I'm driving hard, but not when I'm sat on a motorway at 70 and it sounds like I'm in a bomber droning away!

The other option is I could cheap out and get a second hand Miltek backbox. I've read their built quality isn't great though? I'm assuming it would fit without having to be adapted but maybe someone who knows can answer that

Coops Mk1

ClioSport Club Member
  Lots of Scrap...
It makes a bit of feel good noise at the very top end of the range and when hard accelerating in any gear. Basically push up the revs and it's decent, and I believe others mention that a decat can add to this if required with little or no effect on cruising boominess which is very well controlled.
It's never going to make you tingle like a yozza does, but end of the day that exhaust also makes you cry just as much when all you want to do is trundle to work at 8am.
I reiterate, of all the 182 exhausts I find it the most +30 year old (Person) daily car friendly
  182 Trophy
I see you're in Ambergate. I live just outside Belper towards Ashbourne. You might hear me drive through tomorrow on the way to my dentist (Ripley) :smile:.

That Sounds like what I'm after then. Mind you, anything is going to be quieter than driving around with half my silencer missing.

does it sound like this? Seems pretty nice.

Coops Mk1

ClioSport Club Member
  Lots of Scrap...
yeah pretty much like that from what I remember, cars out on loan currently or i'd offer you a listen!lol!
  182 Trophy
Heh no problem. I've ordered one now so let's see what it sounds like :)

Stuffing a rag down the broken off pipe and cable tieing it to secure it actually silences the whole system amazingly well. Not sure it would pass the MOT though :D.

  182 Trophy
lol, hopefully it wont set on fire............. 😊

It didn't!

Slightly late reply, but KTech took about three weeks to get it back in stock, then I took about two weeks to get around to fitting it, then forgot to post an update. I managed to fit it on the drive on jacks in the pouring rain (I was absolutely saturated and freezing cold when done) but it all went together nice and smoothly.

The left pipe sticks out about an inch more than the right (the adjustable section is as far back as it'll go) but height they both sit perfectly in the bumper. I think the mid-pipe needs rotating a bit* in order to change the angle of the elbow between the mid-pipe and back section but I can't do that on my own whilst bolting it up so it'll have to wait.

* I.e., if looking at the car from the side, rotate the mid pipe along the X axis:
== | CAT |===========|==== BACKBOX =

I could be totally wrong so if anyone has an ideas please let me know.

Can you tell which is which? :tongueout:



Not that I'm an expert but it seems like it's welded together really nicely too.
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  RB Clio 182
My miltek resonated catback plus oem cat is too quiet for me, it sounds like a standard exhaust until you boot it, and then i want it louder, i cant hear it due to the induction kit.
  RB Clio 182
Have you got a graph of yours vs a standard graph mate?

My mate @Bunta had the rstuner 98 ron map on his 172 cup and he was really impressed with it, he said it had more grunt below 5k which is what im after.

I know they are never going to be torque monsters, but a little bit more urgency below 5k rpm would be nice.


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
Maybe Carl can remember.

@bloke drive wise is spot on, quick too.

Tbh for £160 getting your car checked that it’s running well, timing etc and map tweaked, it’s a no brained imo.
