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starter solenoid- can i buy one

  Clio 197

ive got a clio rt and the solenoid seem s to have gone in the starter (and the car wont start)-ive tried whacking it and it doesnt work,ive tried a mates battery and it doesnt work,its also the 2nd starter motor ive had in 12 months,so can i buy the solenoid thing seperate or do i have to buy a brand new starter again?

alrite mate, i just had my starter motor replaced cos my car wdnt start either, funnily enough i have the same car as yours, how old is yours- itd be interesting to see the life a renault starter motor has in it.

best thing to do is ring up the renault dealership and ask if it is possible to buy the solenoid part, or you could check in the haynes manual..

i think you can replace the solenoid part for the car, remembering back whne i was reading the haynes. Just make sure it is the solenoid-if you can hear clicks when u turn the igntion then it isnt the solenoid!

all the best mate,

  Clio 197

cheers mate , mines a 92 k reg (white) , yep i think its the solenoid cos it aint clicking from the starter...its really annoying especially when you have to get to work by bump starting it!

looks like i will be moving to 3 rd starter in 12 months if i cant buy a solenoid seperate!

i deffo think you can get a solenoid on its own mate... jus ring up the renault dealerhip or another parts company and order one...

mines a 93 white clio, must be something to do with white clios hey!

  Clio 197

yep i rung up a dealer yesterday and he said you could only buy a complete starter for about 90 quid (recon ) and 200 for a brand spanker, he then went on to say that the starter should last as long as the car!! i dnt kno whats up with mine but that certainly aint gunna happen.

i havent had ne luck with the recon ones so im gunna see if i can get one from the lcoal reno breakers

