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steering wheel remote adapters

it will only say pioneer on the dash display, as well as the clock and temp. I have a autoleads one fitted to my pioneer headunit and it works a treat.


ClioSport Admin
  Clio Trophy #355
I think you'll find that it wont work in a 2005 clio. Check the front of your original OEM head unit. If it says 'Update List' then the adapter probably wont work with your stalk and display.

A few people have found this, including me with my Trophy. I'm not yet aware of anyone making one compatible with a car that had an 'Update List' head unit.
Nik in what way wouldnt it work? on my autoleads one i did have to change a couple of wires around to make it work. I wouldnt of thought renault would of changed the wireing for the clock just the stereo.


ClioSport Admin
  Clio Trophy #355
I'm not sure why, but there is definitely a change in the head unit, display and stalk on the 'Update List' fitted clios. Its not just the head unit.

I had a Connects2 Sony CD Changer to Renualt head unit adapter that I used in my Mk2 172 . This no longer worked in the Trophy head unit, it connected fine, but the unit just didn't recognise the changer.

To get round this I tried a Sony head unit meaning I could plug the changer in directly without an adaptor. Doing this meant I then needed a stalk and display adaptor, so I bought the InCarTec one. This did not work with the stalk and display either.

There are some minor (very minor) changes in the 'update list' unit, and also in the display. Obviously the software on the adaptor boxes is no longer compatible. The adaptors connect ok, its not a physical thing, they just dont work.

I'm not the only one, I know Lee and a few other Trophy owners have found the same, and its not limited to the Trophy, it's all recent clios with an 'Update List' rather than the older 'Tuner List' head unit.

You'll notice that a few websites are stating this now for adapters like on here:

"Not compatible with 'Update List' unit fitted to very late vehicles"

CarAudioDirect now says 'Renault Clio 3 (with dash display) 1998(S) to 2004' but it used to say onwards until I notified them when returning my adapter for a refund.

Hopefully someone will release an adaptor compatible with the 'Update List' fitted cars, but with the new clio now out this might never happen :(
Last edited:
  Clio 182
Thanks for the info.

I'm looking to fit a Pioneer headunit, not sure whether that'll be any different though.
Will give CAD a call once I've checked the OEM unit.
45six182 said:
Thanks for the info.

I'm looking to fit a Pioneer headunit, not sure whether that'll be any different though.
Will give CAD a call once I've checked the OEM unit.

Had the same problem with my 05 182 and Sony head unit since i got it in March.
Connects dont do them, autoleads dont do them.
DVB Audio have been the most helpful with this.... the latest they tell me is that they will have an adaptor available in about 4 weeks, but it is likely to cost over £100!!

