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stolen recovered cars

  RenaultSport clio 172 mk2
im not sure if this is in the right forum bit so mods please move if its not meant to be here

right guys, just need a bit of advice really. my old man used to own a bmw e30 m3 evolution3 untill nearly 7 years ago when it got nicked. the car was absolutely mint, we owned it from new and was always garaged, it used to be the bmw press car and was featured in alot of mags, covered 25000miles in 10 years we had it.

right this morning my old man got a phone call from the police. he was on site doing his work so couldnt hear much, but basically they were asking him who the bmw was insured with when we had it, so he told them and from what i gather they may have recovered it.

now, my dad told me to phone the police up and ask them if we can view the car thing is they dint leave a number with him when they called so i dont know who to contact?should i ring my local police department?

also, would it be a good idea to buy this car back?i mean it was only one of 500 ever made and only 50 made it to this country. how much would we be expected to pay for the car, it would now be a 17 year old car, we paid around 32k new and got 19.5k back from the insurance company from the payout

any advice would be great!
  Carrera 4S. Clio 172. M5
It must have been a M3 Cecotto/Ravaglia there were 505 made between 04/89-07/89

from memory the press car was Red, I drove it once on a corporate at Millbrook just before i bought mine.

I will have a look to see if I have any photos, but its unlikely as they are paranoid about taking cameras into Millbrook, they even take camera phones from you nowadays.

You can pick up a good one for £10-11K
  RenaultSport clio 172 mk2
it was a 1990 'evo-sport' with the 2.4litre 240hp engine, these were made in limited numbers also.

here's a link to the exact one we used to have:

the special thing the with one we owned was that it came with leather bucket seat and a suede steering wheel as standard, not many of the evo-sport's had that!

to be honest i dont think my old man can asked to pay around 10k for another one, he was just wondering if he could get his old one back for cheap!
