UR 197, AB 182 FF
I'm aware of the different types of plate, or at least I thought I was
You have the old type - ABC 123 and 123 ABC
then you have the dates: ABC 123 A and A 123 ABC
Then you have the new type: AB 12 ABC
Then you have the "Irish" Plates which are - ABC 1234 or 1234 ABC
And Diplomatic plates: 123 D 123
but I saw a different type yesterday, ABC 1 ABC. I think the plate was TWB 2 PUT or something like that, and I've seen a PUG 9 XXX (or XXX 9 PUG or something)
I did have a point to this post, but now I've forgetten it. Oh yes. Where do you get the ABC 1 ABC plates from???? Are they as easy to obtain as the rest?
Also, on the way to work I saw an awesome plate:
00010.. Could have been OOOIO or 00010 or any combination of the 0O1I but either way it looked very very cool.
You have the old type - ABC 123 and 123 ABC
then you have the dates: ABC 123 A and A 123 ABC
Then you have the new type: AB 12 ABC
Then you have the "Irish" Plates which are - ABC 1234 or 1234 ABC
And Diplomatic plates: 123 D 123
but I saw a different type yesterday, ABC 1 ABC. I think the plate was TWB 2 PUT or something like that, and I've seen a PUG 9 XXX (or XXX 9 PUG or something)
I did have a point to this post, but now I've forgetten it. Oh yes. Where do you get the ABC 1 ABC plates from???? Are they as easy to obtain as the rest?
Also, on the way to work I saw an awesome plate:
00010.. Could have been OOOIO or 00010 or any combination of the 0O1I but either way it looked very very cool.