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Stuck with a problem

mad in general

ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172 phase 2
My 172 had issues with the rev limiter kicking in at random times, flashing the shift light and engine light. It then cut and would only limp along at 1100rpm. Cut out again and has not restarted.

It had faults read by a good quality diagnostic kit.
Showed various codes, vehicle speed sensor circuit and other trajectory control circuits.

I fitted a replacement crank sensor with the new loom.
It has since stopped flashing the shift and engine lights when cranking, It does show the STOP light and oil pressure. Solid immobiliser light to.

I have the original ecu and uch kit which is immobilised.

I am thinking of refitting the original kit and see if I only have an immobiliser issue. See if it shows the STOP and oil pressure lights or not.

Anyone have an idea what could be wrong?

Would a faulty pre car lambda stop the car from starting?
Also, it is not a battery issue. Almost new and won't jump either.
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  renault clio 1.4 16v
bad lambda sensor wouldnt stop the car from running as the ecu will just use the map sensor for fueling, could make it run lumpy and loss of power, the speed sensor may be mucking things up...
I think stop and oil is always lit up until the engine is running.
Temperature readings and rpm readings fine when cranking?

mad in general

ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172 phase 2
I don't think the STOP and pressure light do stay on normally.
No live readings while cranking have been taken yet.

Today a refitted the original ecu and uch, still showing the STOP and pressure light so I know it's not the ecu at fault.

What detects oil pressure? Is it a sensor or switch of some sort? Cheap to replace?

mad in general

ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172 phase 2
Also, any idea why the immobiliser light is now on solid?
it has not been an issue until this incident.
  renault clio 1.4 16v
While turning over the immobiliser light should be on solid, if its flashing then it has activated, stop and oil pressure lights will be on if the engine is stationary... as its stopped... and theres no oil pressure, check if you have spark and fuel

mad in general

ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172 phase 2
I am still stuck here with my non running car.

Solid immobiliser light
Solid STOP light
Solid oil pressure light(oil can centre bottom dash).

When I disconnect the oil pressure sensor the light goes out but still STOP immobiliser and will not start, cranks 3 times then cuts out.

Have had diagnostic kit on again tonight, will not connect to engine management but reads airbag abs immobiliser etc...

If any specialists on here can help and actually solve this issue with advice etc... I am more than happy to pay for the resolution



ClioSport Moderator
What are you trying to read the fault codes with? eBay OBD reader or CLiP?

mad in general

ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172 phase 2
It' belongs to a friends garage, it's called launch. A rather large tablet with Bluetooth connection.

Ok not clip but it has always been flawless on the clio before and any previous cars.

I guess as the immobiliser is solid red, I won't actually get it to start just by swapping sensors etc...
How do I get round the immobiliser issue? It only appeared since the car has been parked up with many many failed starts since.

Cheers folks

Edited to add that I am in Edinburgh, anyone here or close by with clip?
