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Stupid F**KIN insurance people

  1995 Clio RSi 1.8
OMG this is really crap!!

About a month ago, I was looking at buying 1995 clio RSi. So my mum rang up about the insurance to find out how much it would be. This was with the AA and they quoted her £800, so I went ahead and bought the car.

Then there was a mix up with the paper work and it had the cost £800 but it still had are old car details on it. So my mum rang them back up again and checked that we had been quoted for the right car (the RSi). The AA said yes it said on there system that the car we were insured on was a 1995 clio RSi and that the price was correct (800). We thought to ourselfs after that it was a low quote, and they might have got something wrong, so the next day my mum rang to check it again and they said to us that it was definatly the correct car and price.

Yesterday we get a phone call from the aa
saying there has been a mistake and that our insurance should be £2300 not £800, :mad::eek: I was like OMFG WTF UFDH. So now I have to fork out all this extra cash, I wouldnt have bought the damm thing if I knew the insurance was going to be that steep!

What the hell!!

In my opinion they should pay the extra on top of the original quote we had because its there bloody fault, but that was never going to happen, we even spoke with the manager and he was just as non-helpful as the orgianl person we spoke with.

Anyways, just thought you might like to hear that story.



ClioSport Club Member
  4 wheels
your not gonna fork out £2300 for insurance are you. have you shoped round? another good point threre day
  1995 Clio RSi 1.8
I just couldnt believe that they quoted us 800 and then we checked 2 times that the quote was correct and they said it was. Then they decide its not !!

So annoying.
  fiesta 1.25
I know exacly how you feel.Ive been quoted £950 by barcleys for my mum on a 172 and me as a named driver. i thought ok this is cheap so i rang to make sure and they said it was all ok i then checked my quote that i had saved and all looked fine untill i went into buying it. it said all named drivers must be over 25 when the system allowed me to enter my birth date in without telling me this was not valid.i got so pissed off so tried to do a qoute again the system now stops this from hapening but it might have been that it did allow drivers under 25 on the policy a few months ago if this was the case and my quote is valid for a month what do i do???(if that makes sense)
Probably will flame me for this but there is a reason why people under the age of 21 can't get insurance on a performance hatch back!


ClioSport Club Member
You'll probably find they looked at your insurance and figured you were going to be the main driver regardless of what you'd put on the form - so charged you the rest.
surely they need to honour the price they quoted you originally? I'm guessing you have paid the £800 and until now were insured with them?

As for putting it in your parents name, fair enough it's not the best idea but depending on your age there might be no real option. For my first year of driving I insured mine in my mums name as insurance was £700 instead of £1800 (which was the lowest quote in my own name I could find and genuinely couldn't afford). After a year of that my quotes in my own name dropped by about £1000 so I now have the car insured in my own name. It's all easy enough to say to someone you shouldn't insure it in your parents name but imagine you are a 17 year old and you have the option of insuring it in your mums name or not getting a car because you can't afford it in your own name, without getting on your high horse what would you do?


ClioSport Club Member
If you can't afford insurance, then you can't afford to drive tbh.

My first year of driving cost me 1700 FC on a 1.2 Clio. Oh and I was 21.
  1995 Clio RSi 1.8
If you can't afford insurance, then you can't afford to drive tbh.

Thats not true really, insurance is way to expensive. And some people just cant afford to pay it, but if you go on with one of your parents, then that makes it cheaper, and you can use the car when you need to.

So i fact it makes it alot cheaper as your paying MUCH less on your insurance and less on petrol too probabaly as you wont be using the car full time.

As far as me paying the £800, your correct I have already payed that, and now they want me to pay more. Well they can piss right off, ill have that money back (at least what I can get back) and then go somewhere else.
  1.6 Focus, 1.6 122S
Surely you dont have to pay the extra? You have paided up and have agreed to the contract of £800, they accepted it and so did you, therefore its there mistake and they just have to live ith it no?

Also it make perfect sense being insured on a parents car! If you don't drive all the time and use the car twice a week its far cheaper.

Do you really expect people today to pay for the Car and costs that come with is such as servicing / tax / insurance. oh and compari8ng it to when you got your car is pointless, the cost of things have changed. If teh parents want to help out thats fine, somebody shouldn't be slated just because there parents are willing to help them.
But there is a reason why an 17 yr old can't get insurance for a performance car :banghead:

I bet he can insure something under 1400 cc's perfectly fine.

Just annoys me when youngsters moan because they can't have what they want without resorting to insurance fronting or paying insane premiums!

I'd loved to of been able to insure something fast at 17 but I couldn't - c'est la vie.
  Lionel Richie
all calls will be recorded, you checked with them several times, they should honor the price you payed! they cocked up, not your problem


ClioSport Club Member
Do you really expect people today to pay for the Car and costs that come with is such as servicing / tax / insurance. oh and compari8ng it to when you got your car is pointless, the cost of things have changed. If teh parents want to help out thats fine, somebody shouldn't be slated just because there parents are willing to help them.
Who else is going to pay for them?

It was only 2 years ago... I paid 1700 FC on an 02 Clio, and now I'm paying 900 FC on a 53 172.

I'm not saying you shouldn't get help with paying it from your parents, but if you're going to be the main driver then you need to have it insured in your own name.


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
So true.

When i first started driving i had to put up with high insurance costs.
We all have to do it. If you try to cheat the system by incorrectly stating your are a secondary driver chances are you'll get fucked if you do have an accident.

Worth it now. £480/24/182
  1.6 Focus, 1.6 122S
and I agree, I pay for everything on my car, always have, my parents helped with the cost of the first car I bought.

but in this case, he isn't the main driver!
