OMG this is really crap!!
About a month ago, I was looking at buying 1995 clio RSi. So my mum rang up about the insurance to find out how much it would be. This was with the AA and they quoted her £800, so I went ahead and bought the car.
Then there was a mix up with the paper work and it had the cost £800 but it still had are old car details on it. So my mum rang them back up again and checked that we had been quoted for the right car (the RSi). The AA said yes it said on there system that the car we were insured on was a 1995 clio RSi and that the price was correct (800). We thought to ourselfs after that it was a low quote, and they might have got something wrong, so the next day my mum rang to check it again and they said to us that it was definatly the correct car and price.
Yesterday we get a phone call from the aa
saying there has been a mistake and that our insurance should be £2300 not £800,
I was like OMFG WTF UFDH. So now I have to fork out all this extra cash, I wouldnt have bought the damm thing if I knew the insurance was going to be that steep!
What the hell!!
In my opinion they should pay the extra on top of the original quote we had because its there bloody fault, but that was never going to happen, we even spoke with the manager and he was just as non-helpful as the orgianl person we spoke with.
Anyways, just thought you might like to hear that story.
About a month ago, I was looking at buying 1995 clio RSi. So my mum rang up about the insurance to find out how much it would be. This was with the AA and they quoted her £800, so I went ahead and bought the car.
Then there was a mix up with the paper work and it had the cost £800 but it still had are old car details on it. So my mum rang them back up again and checked that we had been quoted for the right car (the RSi). The AA said yes it said on there system that the car we were insured on was a 1995 clio RSi and that the price was correct (800). We thought to ourselfs after that it was a low quote, and they might have got something wrong, so the next day my mum rang to check it again and they said to us that it was definatly the correct car and price.
Yesterday we get a phone call from the aa
saying there has been a mistake and that our insurance should be £2300 not £800,
What the hell!!
In my opinion they should pay the extra on top of the original quote we had because its there bloody fault, but that was never going to happen, we even spoke with the manager and he was just as non-helpful as the orgianl person we spoke with.
Anyways, just thought you might like to hear that story.